Chapter 45- Wishes

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"Who are you?!" Luka asks, worried.

The genie-looking man chuckles. "Why isn't it obvious? I'm the genie!!"

"What? Like a genie in the lamp?" Adrian asks.

"Yes. So make your wish!!" The genie holds out his hand, making finger guns and shoots Adrian with a purple smoke. Adrian's green eyes turn purple, and he looks upset.

"Why are you mad at me?" Adrian asks me.

"What? I'm not mad at you." I say. "why would you think that?"

"Don't yell at me! Just tell me what I did wrong!" Adrain shouts, clearly upset.

"Adrian..." I turn to the genie. "What did you do to him!?" I say, pointing at him.

"I just made him see his worst fear. You may not know what he's blabbering about, but it's all that he is able to see." The genie says chuckling

"That's horrible!!" Marinette shouts.

"Rude little girl." The genie mutters. "Let's see how you like your worst fear!"

"Look out!!" Luka shouts, pushing Marinette out of the way. "We need to get out of here!"

"Let's split up!" I shout, grabbing Adrian's hand.

Luka and Marinette go one way, and I drag Adrian another. I lead him into an alleyway and Kitti comes back out. "Kitti Whiskers on!" I shout, and transform. I kneel down infront of Adrian, who seems to have calmed down now that (yn) was gone. "Adrian you have to transform!" I say shaking him by the shoulders. Adrian only looks up at me with a blank face.

"Plagg?!" I shout. "Plagg I need you!"

The tiny black cat flies out of Adrian's jacket.

"Do you know how to get Adrian to transform?" I ask him.

Plagg shakes his head. "I'm afraid I don't. That genie must've screwed up his ability to properly function, too."

"Then what am I supposed to do?!" I say, beginning to panic.

Plagg pauses for a moment. "You'll have to take his ring and merge miraculouses." He says.

"What do you mean 'merge'?"

"Put on The ring of the black cat, and say 'Plagg, Kitty, unify."

"Aright..." I take off Adrian's ring, and for a second time, slip it on my finger. "Plagg, Kitti, Unify!!" I say. Suddenly black begins creeping up my legs and fades to white around my knees. The same happenes to my arms, and the black fades around my elbows. Then my neck becomes black and give away to white around my chest. "Whoa..." I whisper looking at my new outfit. I pull out Chat Noir's stick. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try this out..." I say, pressing one of the paw print shaped buttons.

I'm launched upwards and slowly begin falling forward. I quickly move the stick in front of me, and begin getting into a rhythm of launching.

After a couple of minutes of this, I stop and land on a roof and pull out my mirror to call Ladybug.

"Alley Cat?" I hear her say.

"Yeah it's me. Do you know where the genie is?"

"Yeah. My lucky charm lead me to get some help. We think the genie is at the Lourve."

"Help? Who?"

"Rena Rouge and Caraface."

"Oh, cool! I'll meet you guys there!" I say and hang up.

I launch off in the direction of the Louvre. As I'm traveling I see multiple people running, screaming, and pointing at nothing. Their eyes are all purple.

As I arrive at the art museum I see a girl in a fox costume with red hair that fades into white, and a boy in a green suit with a hood holding a shield that looks like a turtle shell. They both are fighting the genie as Ladybug stands at a bit of a distance observing him.

I jump over to Ladybug and land next to her. She looks at my new outfit in shock. "What happened to you?" She asks.

"Chat Noir was hit and couldn't fight, so Plagg gave me his ring and told me to merge miraculouses. I'm sorry if that wasn't right of me." I explain.

Ladybug looks confused at first but then seems calm. "You did the right thing, Alley Cat. I'm proud of you." She smiles at me. Then Ladybug turns to Carapace and Rena Rouge. "Rena, Carapace!! I have a plan!" She shouts.

Rena Rouge and Carapace come up to the roof. "You'd better explain this fast before the genie realizes he's fighting illusions." Carapace says, gesturing towards the genie.

"I'll be quick. So here's the plan." Ladybug says.

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