Chapter 39- Meow

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Chat Noir insists on carrying me as we go to meet up with Ladybug. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy the feeling of being securely held against Chat Noir.

When we get to Ladybug the first thing she says is: "Why do you have a cat?"

"It's Alley Cat. She was already hit." Chat says scratching the back of my left ear.

"This isn't good..." Ladybug says, shaking her head.

"What should we do?" I ask, looking up at Ladybug.

"I-I don't know..." Ladybug's brow creases with worry. I've never seen her like this. "I don't know what to only have two days before you're stuck like this, Alley Cat..."

"It's going to be alright, Ladybug." Chat Noir shifts me to one arm and raises the other to place his hand on Ladybug's shoulder. "You always think of something."

Ladybug smiles. "Thanks Kitty."

"What if you tried your-" I suddenly feel an odd sensation run through me. "-Meow."




Did I just meow?!?

Chat Noir holds me up to
his eye level. He has a concerned face I rarely see. "Snowflake? Did you just...meow?"

"This is bad...this is really bad..." I begin worrying. What if I'm stuck as a cat forever?!? I'll never be able to talk to my family again...I won't be able to help Ladybug and...Chat Noir...things were finally working out...I'm not ready to say goodbye...

I let out a small whimper and bury my head into Chat. "It's okay...we still have time." Chat Noir sets me down in front of him. "I'm not going to let my girlfriend be stuck as a cat." He gives me a reassuring smile.

"Thanks Chaton."


After spending a good hour and a half tracking down Lamina we finally find her on a street corner transforming people into animals. Ladybug uses her lucky charm, and a book falls down. "A animal encyclopedia? What can I do with this?"

"I'm not sure, but We can't just go up and confront her, or we'd just be turned into animals, too." Chat Noir points out.

"Right. If on I still had my powers, I could sneak up on her..." I say.

" it's to bad that most of Paris is already transformed...we could have recruited some heroes." Chat Noir sighs.

Ladybug's face lights up. "That's it!" She flips through the encyclopedia. "Animals all have their own special abilities they use in the wild, like how gorillas are super strong! We can recruit the animal-citizens to help us!"

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