Chapter 28- Roses

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I leap over the Paris streets, feeling the wind through my hair. The cool city night air calms my nerves a bit. I suddenly stop when I reach the Eiffel Tower. It's lit up making it appear to be golden. It really is beautiful. I jump to the top where me and Chat Noir planned to meet.

I look around me to see white rose petals scattered across the ground. A few pink roses lie on the floor in a neat row, wrapping around the apartment Gustave Eiffel lived in.

I follow the trail, picking up the roses as I go. When I turn the corner, I see Chat Noir standing there holding a white rose. When he sees me, I'm greeted by him kneeling down and kissing my hand. I blush.

"Chaton, this is beautiful..." I say, just above a whisper. Chat Noir puts the white rose he is holding in my hair. "There." He says.

We walk over to the railing and sit on top of it. For most this wouldn't be the smartest choice, but because Chat Noir and I have cat powers, we can easily keep our balance.

We sit in silence for a couple of minutes, just taking in the Paris cityscape. The full moon shines above us in the deep blue sky. The city bustles below us, but I don't hear anything except the soft breeze blowing through the air. I lean my head on Chat Noir's shoulder. He looks at me with a bit of surprise, but suddenly gives a small calm smile, and leans his head on mine. We remain like this for a bit before Chat brings his head up, and gently turns my head to face him.

"Alley Cat...From the moment I first saw you, I felt a feeling I never felt around Ladybug. After seeing how kind, smart, and compassionate you are...I realized...I like you. I understand if you don't feel the same bu-"

I gently grab his cheeks in my palms, and pull him close to my face. I bring my lips to his. Chat Noir looks surprised at first but then closes his eyes in pure content. He wraps his arms around my waist, and pulls me close.

When we pull away our faces are both a light shade of pink.
I smile at him. "I like you too, Chaton."

A single white rose petal falls from the flower in my hair and gracefully floats downwards. I catch it and place it on top of Chat's head, giggling. Chat Noir lets out a small chuckle, and pecks my lips.

"Does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?" He asks.

"Of course!" I exclaim.

We talk for another hour or so under the moon, until I let out a faint yawn. Chat Noir checks the time using his stick. "It's almost 1:30." He says. The black cat hops down from the railing and grabs my hand, helping me down.

"Au revoir, Snowflake." He says, kissing my hand and giving me a wink.

"Goodnight, Chaton" I say, smiling.

Chat Noir runs to the edge of the railing, and pulls out his stick. He gives a quick bow and jumps off. I watch as he quickly jumps away into the night. I walk to the opposite railing and leap away, making sure to secure the white rose in my hair.

The Eye of the Black Cat (Chat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now