Chapter 27- Butterflies

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Today is Saturday. The day I'm going to meet up with Chat Noir. All day long I've had butterflies in my stomach. Why am I feeling this way?

"Is something wrong?" Marinette looks up from her sewing giving me a concerned face.

"Oh no, I'm fine." I respond.

Marinette and I are sitting in her room, even though it's a beautiful day out, we both just wanted to stay inside an chill, today. Marinette is sitting on the chaise, working on hand sewing a lace top, and I'm on laying on her floor, sketching.

Our silence s disturbed by Mr. Dupain knocking on the trapdoor. "Girls?" He calls.

"You can come in papa!" Marinette calls back, still not looking up from her sewing. Mr. Dupain pops his head through the door. "I made cookies!" He says in a singsong voice.

Marinette and I look at each other, and then the plate of chocolate chip cookies. We both blot to Mr. Dupain, and grab the plate. "Thanks Papa!" Marinette says kissing his cheek.
"Yes, Thankyou Mr. Dupain!" I say.

Mr. Dupain walks back downstairs leaving me and Marinette alone once more. As we much on our cookies, Marinette breaks the silence.

"Have you ever listened to Jagged Stone?" She asks.

"I've heard of him, but never actually listened to his music." I respond.

"Really?!" Marinette gasps. "Well we'd better fix that!" She walks over to her drawer, opens it, and pulls out a small white speaker. She taps something on her phone, and suddenly rock and roll fills the room. Marinette begins bobbing her head to the beat as I listen to the song.

When the song ends Marinette looks at me with expectant eyes. "So? What'd you think?"

"That was amazing!" I exclaim.

Marinette pulls out a box and takes a CD out of it. "I designed one of Jagged's album covers a couple of years ago. He's super cool!" She says.

I take the CD. "Wow this looks great!" I exclaim. "I can't believe you designed this!"

"Thanks! A couple of years ago my class had a trip to Chloe's hotel, and I had to design something for Jagged Stone because he was staying there at the time. He ended up coming back to me for his album cover a couple months later!"

"That's so cool, Marinette!" I say.

"I was thinking that if you like his music, we could go to his concert in four months." Marinette gives me a sly smile.

"What really!?!?" I yell, jumping up.

"I knew you'd like that idea!!" Marinette squeals. "I'll book the tickets!"

I'm so excited that I almost forgot about the butterflies in my stomach.


I look at my clock. 11:30. It's time. I gently wake Kitti and lift my covers off of me. I tiptoe to Marinette's bed and carefully climb up the ladder. I crawl over a sleeping Marinette, and climb through the trapdoor.

I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding, as I step onto the balcony. I walk to the edge of the railing and take a deep breath in and out.

It's now or never.

I stretch my arms wide out.

"Kitti! Whiskers on!"

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