Chapter 20- Macarons

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After dinner Marinette and I go back to her room. I pull out my chair and we sit down to work on Mrs. Mendeleiev's work.

"Why is Biology so hard?" I ask to no one in particular.

"I had trouble when I first started biology. You just need some more practice, that's all." Marinette responds.

I glance over at Marinette's sewing machine when I see something small and red duck down.

"What was that?" I ask, pointing to the machine.

"...My sewing machine?"

I shake my head. "No, it was something small and red." I get up and walk to the sewing machine.

Marinette grabs my shoulder. "IT WAS PROBABLY...JUST A BUG!" She quickly exclaims.

"A pretty big bug..." I say.

"It's fine, trust me. Besides, don't we have to work on our biology?" Marinette holds up her textbook and smiles.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I walk over and sit back down, shooting one more glance at the sewing machine.


~*One Week Later*~

As I'm about to leap away after defeating Mr. Pigeon for my second time(Chat Noir says that this was the 27th time), Ladybug stops me.

"Hey Alley Cat, so every couple of nights, Chat Noir and I go on patrol around Paris. We just like to keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. We were wondering if you'd like to join us?" She asks, smiling.

"Of course!" I reply.

"Great! I'll send you our schedule." Ladybug pulls out her yo-yo and types something in. My mirror beeps and I turn it on. A calendar opens up.

"Each of the little stars is one of our patrol nights. We always meet on the Arch de Triumph at 10:00 o'clock P.M." she explains.

"Okay, got it!" I say.

I look on the calendar, and sure enough, a little Star is drawn on the corner every four nights.

"Our next patrol is tomorrow" Ladybug tells me. "Oh, and also take these. By the way, what food does your kwami like?" She asks, handing me a small box.

I open it up to see a row of rainbow colored macarons. "She likes strawberries, but what are these for?"

"These macarons can give your kwami special powers that can help you in battle. I left a little sheet in there with the flavors and their powers." Ladybug explains.

"Oh, okay. Thankyou!" I say, smiling.

"Make sure to on use them when we need them!" She says.

"Of course, Ladybug." I slip my mirror and the macarons into my belt and leap off.


Not wanting to risk waking Marinette up, I leave the apartment through the front door. I step out and Kitti flies up to me.

"Why did we have to do this so late?" She whines "I'm tired..."

I give her a strawberry and she noms it down. "Okay, let's go!" She says flying in loops around my head.

I giggle. "Kitti! Whiskers on!"

I jump out of the window in the hallway and leap across the streets. I have to check my mirror a couple of times so I don't get lost on the way to the Arc de Triumph. I land on top of the Arc and already see Chat Noir leaning against the edge of the railing.

He walks up to me. "Hey Snowflake." He says, taking my hand and kissing it.

I blush but act like I don't care that CHAT NOIR'S LIPS JUST TOUCHED MY HAND, OH MY GOSH!

"It's nice to see you too, Chaton." I say to him.

Tell him!

Now's your chance!

"Hey, Chat Noir, there's something I need to tell you..." I trail off.

"What is it? I'm all ears."

"I-I, well you s-see..."

"Hey guys! I'm glad you could make it Alley Cat!" Ladybug says, landing next to me.

"Thanks, me too!" I say.

"Wait, Ladybug, there was something Alley Cat was trying to tell me." He turns and looks at me expectantly.

"Oh no, it's fine. It can wait. What was the plan Ladybug?" I say trying to change the subject.

"I was thinking we could spit up and each go to a different landmark. Then we could each check the perimeter."

"Sounds good, Ladybug." Chat says. "So how should we split up?"

"I was thinking I could take The Panthéon, you could take the Eiffel Tower, and Alley Cat could take the Louvre. If you guys see anything out of the ordinary or that looks suspicious, call someone on the team."

"Got it, Ladybug." I say.

"Okay everyone, at 2:00 A.M. patrols over so you guys are free to head home."

Ladybug shoots out her yoyo and swings away, as Chat Noir hops away on his stick.

"My first patrol..." I whisper with a giddy excitement, and leap away.

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