Chapter 32- Subs

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I stand in the kitchen with Marinette. She's sweeping the floor, and I'm drying the dishes from dinner. I'm trying to hide the fact that I'm on cloud nine right now. Marinette turns to me.

"(Yn)? Are you okay?" She asks

I'm almost immediately snapped from my trance. "What?! Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"You've been drying the same plate for three minutes now." She says pointing to the dish I'm holding.

"Oh? I didn't notice!" I say, setting the dish to the side.

Suddenly Marinette's phone beeps. She pulls it out, and gasps. "What is it?" I ask, curious. "Is everything alright?"

"Kitty Section was accepted to
be Clara Nightingale's opening act!"

"Really?! How?"

"Every year Clara hosts a competition for the kids and teens of Paris to come up with their own original song, and preform it. Then the winner gets to be the opening act for one of her shows!"

"And Kitty Section won?"

"Yeah!! They've been preparing for this competition for weeks!"

"That's amazing! This is such a great way for Kitty Section to be noticed!"

Suddenly Marinette stops squealing and gasps. "Oh no..." I stop jumping up and down, and turn to her. "What?" I ask.

"I just realized...I'm going to have to come up with costumes or Kitty Section to wear!! They'll be preforming live in front of millions of people!! My whole career as a fashion designer depends on this!"

I chuckle as Marinette begins to go on one of her panic-fests. "Hey, it's alright! You're an incredible designer, don't doubt yourself!"

Marinette gives me a grateful smile. "Thankyou, (yn)."


Three Weeks Later...

I'm sitting on Liberty watching Marinette sketch out designs for Kitty Section. The band members are on the makeshift stage, practicing their song.

"Hey dudes, and dudettes!" I hear a familiar voice call out. I look over to see Nino, Alya, Mylène, Alix, and Adrian walking onto the boat. "I can't believe Adrian's dad let him show up." I whisper to Marinette. I may have only been here for a little over a month, but I know how protective Mr. Agreste is of his son.

Nino and Alya pull grocery bags out from behind them. "We brought food!" Alya exclaims. They pull out a box of sub sandwiches, two bags of chips, a huge bottle of lemonade, and a box of chocolate eclairs. We all run over and begin filling our plates with food. I grab a (favorite sub) and pour some chips onto my plate. I join sit down on the floor next to Alya and Luka.

I notice an empty spot next to Adrian and call to Marinette, who's walking over to us. "There's an extra seat over there, Marinette!!" I yell. Marinette looks to where I'm pointing and gasps, almost dropping her plate of food. She walks over and sits down next to Adrian, blushing.

As we all eat, Rose breaks the silence. "It was great of you guys to come visit us during our practice!" She says, looking at everyone.

"It was no problem! We're happy to support the best band in Paris!" Mylène says, as she rests her head on Ivan's arm. Ivan blushes and smiles at her.

"You guys have to be one of the cutest couples in the city." Alya says pointing to them. "She's right! You guys are like a fairytale couple!" Exclaims Rose. "Name one other couple as cute as them!"

We all stop and think for a few moments. "What about Chat Noir and Alley Cat?" Alix asks.

I feel my cheeks heat up and I look away. Two weeks ago after saving Paris, Alya came up to me and Chat, asking if we were officially a couple. We confirmed it on camera, and of course Alya posted it on the Ladyblog. After Alya put that on the internet, it blew up in Paris news. Some people didn't like that we were dating for multiple reasons, it was unprofessional, they preferred Chat Noir with Ladybug, or they just didn't like having a third superhero in general. I never really let those people get to me, because the majority of Paris loves that Chat Noir has a girlfriend.

I'm suddenly snapped back to reality when Luka nudges my shoulder. "(Yn)? We were all just wondering what you thought of Chat Noir and Alley Cat."

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