Check Mate

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"You asked to see me Mr. Greg?" I asked stepping into a councilman's office.

"Yeah. You have a new place to protect. There are two neighboring packs. They are really good friends and have an alliance but they have been getting a lot of attacks and threats. You must take your team down there and do you job as a protecter

"Alright. What's the packs names?"

"It's the Silver Moon Pack and the Black Moon Pack."

I left his office after talking about some other things. Greg is a good friend. He's old around 40 but he is a good councilman and guy. A councilman is the people who help the protecters with missions. They hold a very high respect in the supernatural world.

I am a protector. But I am also a werewolf. But I am also a witch. But I am also a vampire. So in all I am a Tribrid Protecter.

My team and I are leaving first thing in the morning. I texted them and told them to pack. We don't have much because we move a lot but what we do have we bring with us.

My team consists of myself, my best friend Athena, Xavier, and Blake. Each of them hold a special place in my life. They all mean a lot to me.

Once I got home I took a quick shower then ate. I was extremely tired. It was only about 10:00 pm but I had to get up early for our flight.

I laid down and before I realized it sleep over took me.


"I will cut off your finger!"

"You would never!"

"Oh yeah? See this knife I'll make it go straight through your throat!"

"Shut the hell up! We have to get to our house!" I yelled at the two of them. That was Blake and Athena. Blake ate one of Athenas fries and needless to say she way not happy about it.

"Yes mam." They both mumbled out. I have a higher rank than them and a lot stronger but I am not their boss.

We had left that morning. After a couple of flights we landed in Alaska. This is where the packs are. We are going through the forest to find out house right now. Xavier is driving.

A quick run down. We are all 18. We have already graduated highschool at like 14 but we will have to go for the mission. We are the youngest group of protecters but these people were my choice and I stand by it.

Blake and Xav are both werewolves. Athena however is a witch. She can only do elemental magic but she is really helpful.

"We have arrived at our new home!" Xav yelled out as we were pulling up at our house.

"Finally I can't be stuck in the car with y'all idiot anymore." I spoke stepping out.

Blake looked at me with fake offense while Athena snickered. Xav just shook his head.

We unpacked what little belongs we do have.

When in battle I use a bow and arrow mostly. Athena uses knives. Xavier uses a sword and Blake uses guns. We can use anything we want but this is our choices mostly.

I am Black Storm Arrow. Blake is Shooter. Xavier is Chopper. And Athena is Dagger Love. They are all very weird but they fit us.

"Come on guys let's go do a search!" I exclaimed excitedly. Everyone agreed and we geared up grabbing our weapons and hoods. We are suppose to try to keep our identities a secret but it's not against the Protecter laws for someone to know.

We pulled on our masks and walked toward the Black Moon Pack. We had our scents covered so they couldn't smell us coming.

As we walked closer I heard screaming and yelling. We walked slowly till we saw the scene in front of us. There were several pups tied up with ropes laced in wolfsbane. I could see both the Silver Moon pack and Black Moon pack.

"It really is a shame to see the two strongest pack stop fighting over simple children." What I am guessing is the leader spoke. No one has seen us yet. I could smell they were rouges of both vampires and wolves. That's not good. Them teaming up.

I grabbed my arrow which is silver. It is enchanted with a potion that will kill any creature with a lot of pain. I shot the arrow at the man who was talking and he crumpled to the ground as soon as it hit.

Everyone looked around. I gave my group the sign to stay hidden while I walked out. I came into view and walked toward the rest of the rouges and children.

"Is that anyway to treat children? I don't think so, asshole." I said calmly. Suddenly a knife came flying and hit another rouge. I knew it was Athena because I saw him crumble because of the enchantment.

There was about 18 left and all but 4 charged at me. I laughed. I held out my arms which caused and invisible shield and all the the rouges bounced off.

"Could you lot get any stupider? Guess not. I am honestly tired of all y'all bullshit." I grabbed an arrow and shot at another. Then gave a sign for my team to come out. They ran out throwing daggers and slicing rouges with swords and shooting. I smirked at the rouges.

The packs just looked at us bewildered.

There was one guy still alive. I walked over to him and grinned creepily. I could feel the fear radiating off him. I put my foot to his throat and added pressure.

"Checkmate." I whispered. Then I crushed his throat cutting off his way to breathe.

My team and stood beside me now while the packs were in front of us. Then someone moved up. It was the Alpha of the Silver Crescent Pack. I am going to let y'all in on a little secret. This pack use to be mine. I was apart of it. Then my parents died and I didn't see the point of it anymore. I left. They still had the same Alpha. I called him Uncle Mike. He wasn't really my uncle but him and my father were best friends.

In all honesty a lot of people think I am dead.

"Who are y'all?" He asked. Not disrespectfully but sorta confused. The mothers were getting the children out of the ropes as we spoke.

I just smiled. "We are the protecters. Sent to protect y'all. I am Black Storm Arrow. This is Chopper, Shooter, and Dagger Love. Nice to see you Alpha Mike." I said smiling. In all honestly I was extremely happy to see him. I could see my aunt pressed up against him along with one of the children who was tied up. That must be their daughter. She looked about 4.

"Oh I'm sorry! It's amazing to meet y'all!" He exclaimed slightly embarrassed.

"You as well. I am extremely sorry we weren't here sooner. I am sorry for y'all's pups." I said smiling.

"Nonesense! Y'all saved them. Y'all truly are amazing!" My Aunt Melanie exclaimed walking toward me. She quickly wrapped her arms around me whispering a thank you. Then let go.

"It's our job Luna Melanie. Where is the other Alpha and Luna?" Athena asked curiously. She has always been very nosy.

"Alpha Hunter is at a meeting out fo state. He will be back tomorrow though. But he has no Luna as he has not found his mate yet." Uncle Mike informed us. I of courses knew this. I read all information about these packs.

"We have go to go." I said and before they could answer I sprang into a tree above me. Athen did a spell that would make her come up the tree. We jumped tree to tree until we were out of sight. Xavier and Blake turned into wolves and ran back to the house.

Once we made it back home I realized we had to go to school tomorrow. Part of the mission was to be a senior at the high school. Fuck me.

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