Want To Bet?

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I quickly grabbed my hood/mask and then put my arrows and bow on my back. I side glanced at my friends to see them ready.

Maya was sitting in the corner, chewing her nails off. She's obviously nervous.

"Let's go." I told my friends. We begun to walk to the back exit.

"Wait! Scar, you have to hide the mate scent!" Athena exclaimed once we stepped outside. I nodded and mumbled a spell to suppress the mate scent.

"Hell raising time, boys!!" Blake screeched. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Stay close. Wait for the rouges to go first." I told them while vamp running to a tree.

I was in hearing distance. There were about 14 rouges and 8 of the Black Moon Pack members. Hunter, Daniel, Kaden, and 3 others who I don't know.

"What are you doing on my land, rouges?" Hunter snarled.

"Just wanted to come say hi." The rouge in the front said smirking.

"Leave. Now!" Hunter yelled stepping forward.

"We could take them." Another rouge said nudging another.

"Want to bet?" I asked walking toward the rouges. My team following behind me.

"Arrow, Dagger, Chopper, Shooter. I was really hoping I'd get to meet you!" The front one spoke again. I'm going to name him Greg. He looks like a Greg.

"Well Greg, you met us. Now kindly piss off." I snarled at him.

"My names not Greg. And I'm sorry Miss, Storm Grey Arrows. I have something to say." He spoke again.

"We'll talk fast before I loose my patience." I growled at him.

He chuckled. "I can tell who you are, you know? All powerful. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out. 4 years ago that little girl got away after we lot murdered her parents. Now me personally didn't kill them but I know who did. But we weren't aiming for the parents. We were aiming do you." He said laughing.

He's talking about when they murdered my parents. This pompous dick was involved. He wasn't the leader but being there is enough for me.

I growled in anger. "How dare you talk about my parents?" I spat. I no longer cared about anything but seeing these wolves dead.

"I mean it's your fault they're dead after all." He said smirking.

I go to jump at him only to be held back by Blake and Xavier. I growled at them and struggled to get away but their grip wouldn't loosen. They knew I would be angry and fight with anger which isn't wise.

"You and your bastard friends killed them! Want to test me? Surely you know what I am capable of!" I yelled at him.

I made a fire ball with my hand and stepped dangerously close to him. They all had fear in their eyes.

I waved my other hand snapping all the other rouges neck but this ones.

"Who do you work for?" I asked my face extremely close to his.

"All in good time, S." He said. He quickly grabbed a flower and pressed it against my arm. I screamed out in agony. He tried to shift and run after.

It was a certain flower that caused pain only to me. This flower mixed with many other herbs, spells, and flowers. Plus great power. Would kill me. But it's also kill the person who emits the great power.

"Immoblis." I said. It paralyzed him. My arm still burning.

"Nice try. But I am not the sweet, innocent 14 year old you remember. Your time is up, asshole." I snarled venom and sadness lacing my every word.

Red's voice was coming out strong. She was angry and ready to kill. I grabbed my arrow and shoved it into his heart. He screamed out in pain.

"That's only a ounce of the pain I have felt because of you lot!" I snarled walking away. Tears were pooling in my eyes.

I looked up to see the the pack members looking sympathetic but also confused. I looked over to see Athena with a hand pressed to her mouth. Blake and Xavier were looking at me also.

Athena walked forward cautiously trying to see if Red is out. Red is down right vicious. I flicked my eyes into Athenas and both of our eyes softened.

She stood in front of me and wrapped her arms around me as I cried. Xavier and Blake came forward wrapping their arms around me also. Careful of my burn.

Someone cleared their throat causing all of us to look up. We all straightened up immediately.

"Alpha Hunter. Sorry about that. You can rid these rouges as you wish." I told Hunter. I made my voice sound deeper so he wouldn't hear mine.

"It's not a problem. Thank you for y'alls service." He spoke in his Alpha tone.

"It's our job, Alpha." Blake spoke this time. Hunter merely nodded.

"Carry on with what y'all were doing." Hunter told his pack. He goes to turn around to us again but we had already taken off toward his house. Athena on Xaviers back because she had no super speed whatsoever.

We arrived and ran into the game room putting everything back in our bag. Maya was pacing when we walked in. She let out a sigh and flung her self on me. I laughed and hugged her as well.

"Careful of her arm. Scar, grab a jacket so they don't see it." Xavier spoke. I nodded and grabbed one of Hunters black hoodies.

I looked up to see Maya and Blake talking. I smiled. Hunter and everyone else busted in. He looked at me and grinned once he saw me wearing his hoodie. I looked down embarrassed.

"Sorry bout that. Family drama." Harmony lied. She walked past me and winked. I had to hold back a laugh.

"It's all good!" Athena chirped happily. I again suppressed a laugh. Blake nudged me in the stomach. He could tell I wanted to laugh. I suck at acting but my lying is impeccable.

"Although we should get home." Xavier said looking down at his watch. I nodded and started toward the door. My bag on my back.

Before I walked out Hunter grabbed my hand. I spun around and met his chest since I was so short.

"Yes?" I asked politely.

"Be safe." He whispered in my ear. He softly pressed his lips against mine and turned around. I frowned and the small kiss.

"Come on, Stormie!" Maya yelled stepping back into the room.

"Oh wait! We have a new friend coming here tomorrow. He is in college." Harmony exclaimed. I nodded and walked out the door. I let out a breath and went the way toward my bike.

"Balkey take Maya home, would you?" I asked teasingly. Maya stuck her younger out at me while Blake rolled his eyes but nodded.

"Alright, lets go home!" Athena exclaimed.

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