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"Alright Benny. Come here!" I instructed him frantically. He came running over with a toy dinosaur in his hand.

He likes dinosaurs this one is Rory.

I put him on my back and used my vamp speed to get outside the house. I haven't seen any of my pack or the Dick faces rouge pack.

His pack consists of about 300 rouges. While mine consists of 500 packs while they are outnumbered they are also extremely vicious.

I looked around the corner to see a member of my pack. A female warrior whose name I am pretty sure is Katara and a rouge man fighting. Katara is pinned.

I ram into the man slinging him off her. She jumps to her feet panting. Benny is crying at the impact.

"Luna!" She bursted with joy completely forgetting she almost died.

"Where are the others?" I questioned shushing Benny. She eyes him curiously.

"The front. I can take you to them!" She exclaimed. She began running. I ran to but slower so Benny wouldn't fall.

I saw someone fly through the sky and by the look of dirt it wasn't one of mine. We peeked around the corner to see a lot of people on the ground. Mine and rouges.

People were in wolf form and in human.

I saw a small hole thing. I bolted over there and sat Benny in it.

"Baby, stay there!" I told him. He nodded fearfully. I put s tarp over his head a took off Katara on my heels.

I starting fighting some trashy looking girl who was snarling at me. I snapped her neck quickly and darted off to find dickwad.

I threw fire at another rouge about to kill another pack member. He began screaming till he died. The member looked at me and smiled gratefully.

We were fighting for what seemed like hours but in reality it was only minutes. We had the upper hand. We were winning but we lost a good amount of members but they lost more.

I hadn't seen any of my friends or my brother or my cousin or my mate. I know they are here somewhere because I have heard their gun and seen Athenas dagger.

Even if Maya is a sweet sunshine bean she would not stay home while they fight for my life.

"Scarlett?" A voice ask full of hope and desperation. I turn around to see Sean and Athena.

I smiled like crazy at the sight of two of the the people I care about most in this world.

I bolted forwards and practically tackled Sean to the ground.

"I missed you big brother." I informed him. He nodded tears flowing from his eyes.

I got off him and looked at my best friend. She was crying at the sight of me. Not all of my wounds have healed.

I grabbed her hands and hugged her. She gasped and hugged me back.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I didn't find you sooner." She cried. I looked at her with disbelief.

"Athena. There was nothing you could have done. Besides I met a little boy. His name is Benny. He's the sweetest thing. He's hiding right now."

She grinned. She loves children.

"Where's Hunter?" I asked getting my priorities in order.

"Last I saw he was fighting Damien. Your captor," good to know his real name. Dickface was starting to become a mouth full. "He is close. If you use your hearing you might hear him." She told me.

So I did. We followed the fighting. Suddenly it stopped. When we got there I saw Hunter on the ground almost dead and Damien standing over him smiling a gruesome smile.

"No!" I screamed. My scream stopped the fighting. It went through everyone's ears like nails on a chalk board.

I continued screaming. Water rose up in my eyes as Sean held me to his chest.

Blake, Xavier, Jazzy, Kaden, Daniel, and Harmony came running out of some other woods at the sounds of my screams.

Harmony saw her brother and her knees buckled. Kaden had to hold her as he cried as well. Daniel has his head buried in Xaviers chest.

I sobbed from my place in the ground.

I quickly stood up and used every bit of my sorrow and turned it into anger. I began chanting a death spell I swore I'd never use.

I screamed it at Damien as he looked petrified. It hit him and his insides began turning as he screamed in agony.

I didn't care. My heart felt like it was gone.

I ran to Hunter and dropped by his side. I listened to his uneven breathing. Harmony was holding her brothers hand as I held his head in my lap. We circled his body.

I can't let him die. He's my other half. I will do whatever it takes.

The Tribrid Protecter [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now