No one there

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Steven opend his eyes. He was falling. There was nothing around him but tiny stars. He was surrounded by the night sky.  He couldn't stop. 

'This must be a dream' Steven thought.

Steven fell onto the ground with a loud THUD. His surroundings suddenly turned into the beach. His home. Where he grew up all his life.. Beach city. Steven stood up and went over to his house. He went inside and there were 3 gems. ] Garnet, Amythest and Pearl. He ran towards them. 

"Hey guys!" Steven said.

They turned into dust. Steven looked around confused and everything became black.

"Justadream just adream" Steven whispered.

Steven fell to the ground and he couldnt move his body. He was paralyzed.

"Helpp!!!"he screamed. Suddenly all of his family and friends appeared. Steven tried getting their attention but no one listend. They laughed and talked while Steven layed there paralyezed.

Steven's eyes stung with tears. He knew it was a dream but it felt so real. He felt like they didn't need him. His friends and family walked away as Steven layed there...... crying.

Steven woke up. No one was around him. He wanted to forget everything that happend. It was hard. EVerytHING. 

'People are beside me gems are beside me' Steven thought 'Everyone has my back.'

But deep down Steven believed that no one was there.

( This is a bit short I know but its a important chapter cause this is when Steven truly becomes more sad and confused)

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