Chapter 10

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I knelt in front of my parent's grave.

"Mum, Dad, I know you made a lot of bad decision, but I still love you guys so much, please help me find my sister". I sat on their grave and cried all my problems.

"You promised that you won't leave me alone, remember?, what happened, aren't you watching?, I'm so lost, why me? Why can't I just be normal for once, I would trade all for a normal life, for once in my life".

I cried for a little more time before I got a call from my office. I went back to the car and went to the office.

People stared at me in a weird way, it's probably because my eyes were puffy and red. I didn't care, I went straight to my office. I sat down and put my head on my desk.

Someone knocked, I didn't bother to talk.

"Miss, you have a meeting in-".I looked up and Lisa gasped.

"Miss, are you okay?".

I smiled at her question. She sat down and looked worried.

"Okay?, that's a good question, I'm I okay?, of course, I'm good, great, I'm fine, don't I look fine, huh?".

"I'm sorry miss, I just-".

"You once said, that I'm lucky huh?, you want my life, you want to trade, I'll give you all my companies, shares, and even my husband, I'll give you all of it if I can just live a normal, happy life". I ranted on and on about how wretched I am.

She started crying, "Miss-I-didn't know-that you felt like this".

There was silence for a long while, I was trying to stabilize my breathing from talking too long.

"Ma'am, I know that I'm not in any place to advice you, but I will just tell you that everyone has a problem, one way or the other, it's how we deal with it that matters", she said some inspirational words and made me smile for the first time today.

"Whoa, Lisa, thanks a bunch, I didn't know I would smile today".

"It's my pleasure ma'am, but if you need anyone to talk to, I'm just a call away".

"Yeah, sure".

"Ok, should I cancel your appointment".

"You know what, yes, why don't you talk about yourself".

"Are you sure ma'am?".

"Yes sure". She canceled the meeting, then I got to know that her full name was Lisa Cart, she was the only daughter of her parents, and she was married, I didn't even pay attention at the ring.

"Your life is great Lisa".

"not really".

"come on, I mean, you're married, you have your parents and you're married to the man you love, what could go wrong?".

"A lot, a lot, but I don't like looking at the negative aspect of my life, I always ditch those part, and I think that's what you should do, Miss".

"Yeah, you're right, I should be positive". We talked a little more before we were interrupted by a knock.

"come in", Helen entered.

"Hey, missed me?".

I went to hug her, "How did you get in?".

"I wanted to see you, then I was told at the reception office to meet with your assistant to make an appointment, but someone was not in their office, and your office was just nearby".

"Oh, yeah, I called her", I turned to Lisa, "you can leave now, thank you for today".

"sure miss". She left leaving Helen and me alone.

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