Chapter 30

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I went downstairs to make breakfast. Today, Aaron and I are going to my parents' grave. It's been long I've been there, and I wanted to stop by the orphanage where my mum sponsored and did charity work.

Aaron joined me after and we left the house.

"Should I wait in the car for you?". Aaron asked as we got to their burial ground.

"You can come".

He nodded and we left the car. I carried the flowers that I bought on the way.

"Hi mum, dad". I said as we got to their grave.

"um, I know I haven't been here for long, and I'm sorry for that, it's just work and all, I've found my sister, her name is Mia. She's beautiful and has been a good help to the company". I paused for a while.

"and I brought Aaron with me". I looked at him.

"Um, Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Adams". He said.

"He's been a lot nicer to me lately and very accommodating, than before. I really love you guys. I miss you so much". Tears rolled down my eyes when I stopped talking. I dropped the flowers and left.

I got into the car and sighed. I cleaned my tears before Aaron entered.

"so, um, Do you need a minute or two before we go?". Aaron asked.

"Yeah, umm, It's just...", I busted in tears and I didn't know why. I kept ranting and Aaron was a pretty good listener.

"Sorry, I'm just boring you with my shit, we should go now", I said realizing what I was doing.

"no, it's fine, it's all good, umm, I never knew you danced". wow, he really listened.

"Well, umm, not really, I just dance to relieve stress, it was when I used to.", I stopped talking.

"used to?".

"umm, it's weird to say, l was addicted to drugs at a point and I used dancing to relieve my urge to take drugs, you must think that I'm weird". I covered my face in embarrassment. Why did I say that?

"It's not weird. At a point in our life, we make one mistake or the other. I have made a lot that I really regret", he must be talking about Karen.

"ok, well, it feels good to get it off my mind". I smiled.

"Is there any other thing you need to get off your mind?".

I looked at him and smiled. I told him a lot that I never told Helen or Mia, I felt I could trust him, he was such a good listener.

"I never knew you had so many secrets", he said laughing.

"Well, let's just say there was no one to really tell it to".

"Ok, can we go to the orphanage now, we don't have much time left", oh right, the orphanage.


He started the car and I told him the directions to the orphanage.

We got there and saw Aunt Doris, the owner of the orphanage. She was outside in the garden, she was used to wetting the plants and staying in the garden. She was one of my mum's best friend. They actually went to college together.

She noticed us and came towards us.

"Harley, oh dear, it's been long", she hugged me when I got down.

"I know, How have you been doing aunt?".

"I'm great, how have you been doing?, I've seen you on the television".

"Aunt, this is Aaron, my fiancée".

"Oh, he's so handsome, you have such great taste". I laughed at her compliment.

"Aaron, this is Aunt Doris, the owner of the orphanage".

"Hi, umm, Miss Doris".

"Dear, you can me Aunt, let's go in, shall we?".

We followed her into her office and sat down.

"so, How's the orphanage?".

"It's good, the children are getting enough care, but let's talk about you, how were you after your parents died, I never saw you after the funeral. I heard you were staying with your Aunt but that's all, you know I was close to your mum and all that happened was very sad to me".

"Aunt, well, I managed fine. I just came from their grave".

"Really?, that's great, I would go see them some time".

"Well, umm, the main reason I came was to continue my mum's donation to this orphanage, in her name", she looked surprised.

"Oh, dear, that is wonderful, that's nice". I smiled.

"well, it's nothing, Can I see the children?".

"sure, the babies are in the playroom and the others are in the courtyard. Come with me". We followed her to the playroom.

The babies were all cheerful and cute. I felt pity for their parents for leaving such beauties alone. I carried one in my arms and so did Aaron.

"Those are twins, Mason and Maddison, they just joined the orphanage". They both had blue eyes and blonde hair. They were so cute.

"Can we go to the courtyard now?".

"Yeah, sure", we dropped the baby back and left.

We got to the courtyard and saw children of different ages playing.

"Kids, this is Aunt Harley and Uncle Aaron, say hi to them".

"Hi, Aunt and Uncle". They said in one voice.

"Hi, kids". They went back to what they were doing.

"Aaron, Harley, this is Miss Kourtney. She is one of our workers, she'll show you around".

"Hi, I've seen you guys from Television, it's so nice to meet you".

"same here", I shook her hand. She's so nice.

She took us round the orphanage and showed us their facilities and many more.

"so that's basically it".

"Thank you, Kourtney".

We went back to Aunt Doris' office about the fund.

"Thank you, Harley dear this means a lot".

"sure Aunt, anything for the children, I'll come by anytime I have the chance".

"ok, dear, make sure you come with Aaron".

I nodded. Aaron was silent throughout. We went back to the car and Aaron was still silent.

"Aaron, you good?".

"um, yeah, I'm fine".

"Is something on your mind?".

"Well, it's just when I saw the twins, urghh, this must be stupid but, I felt like I should take them home with me". Wow, he's such a softie.

"Well, that's how I felt like I should take all of them, but we can't do much but give them what we have".

"Ok, sure".

"You are such a softie", I laughed.

"Whatever", he rolled his eyes.

"Let's grab lunch, I'm so hungry". I rubbed my tummy dramatically.

"sure". He started the car.

Harley and Aaron are spending pretty much time together. How was this chapter? Please vote and comment.

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