Chapter 20

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"Harley, we are seeing more of you, lately", Maddison opened the door. She left it open and I went in. I saw Aunt Carol on the couch reading some Magazines.

"Harley dear good to see you", she looked at Mia surprisingly.

"This is Mia, um, my sister". She wore a shocked expression.

"You found your sister, oh my, she's beautiful, come sit". We both sat.

"What of Uncle David?".

"In his study, so how did you find her", I told her about the anonymous call ad how we met.

"so somebody knew, how was that possible? did you put it on the news or something?".

"No, it was luck", I smiled.

Aunt Carol asked her a few questions and they got to know each other. They were both having a good time. I was happy Mia could reconnect with our family.

I went to the kitchen and gave them alone time. Maddison approached me with an envelope.

"Here", she threw on the counter. I took it and opened it. It was a class reunion. I was uncomfortable, it brought back bad high school memories. It wasn't a good time, thanks to-

"What, scared to come?".

"No, I'm, just, I will come", she scoffed and left my presence. I sighed, guess I had to go, it's just one night, no need to be worried.

"Harley, come over here". Aunt Carol called me I left the kitchen and went back to meet them.

"I forgot to tell you, Aaron's mum called, she said that we need to start planning for engagement party". Oh, snap, I forgot about the designer thing. I could go after the party starts at 9 pm, I have enough time.

"Yeah, she told me that to".

"How about you take time away from work, you and Mia shop for the party, that way you get to pick what you want for the party", urghh, this wedding irritates me but if it makes me hang out with Mia, why not?

"Sure, we can do that", I looked and Mia and smiled at her. I checked the time. It was running late, and I didn't want to stay for dinner, Maddison will start with her tantrums.

"Aunt, I need to leave, it was nice seeing you today". I stood up so did Mia.

"Sure, I would tell David you came to visit". We left and got the car.

"So, she's nice right?".

"Yeah, she is". I went home but dropped Mia at her apartment.

I got home and didn't see 'A&K'. Aaron was still mad at me but I was less concerned, Hmm, maybe I should divorce him a month after the marriage as far as we got married according to the will and the company partner up. I'm no longer needed, right?

I groan in annoyance. Why couldn't I just end up with a guy I like, maybe Brandon or Tyler? Oh no, Tyler and Brandon will be y the reunion. I never thought of that. I'm happy but sad. I don't know what to expect from Tyler after all these years, Will he bring his girlfriend?, or fiancée?, or wife?, should I bring Aaron?, Probably not, I've had enough of him at home.

I made myself dinner and binged watched Friends till I slept off.


"Yes, I am taking a leave". I needed to use the week for engagement shopping. The engagement was the week after and need time off signing documents and meetings.

"Ok, I'll cancel all the appointments and see if we could move any meeting forward". Lisa informed me.

"Thank you, and please send Mia in for me". Mia works with me now but has her own office. She's really getting fond of the companies and grasping fast. When I'm 25, I could give her some of the companies to run.

"You sent for me".

"Yes, sit, um, we are going to take a leave".


"The engagement party planning, Helen would've gone to Paris before the party and she's booked with casting, so I need a shopping buddy, what do you think?".

She smiled when I told her, "Yes I would love it".

"Ok, so today we are going to have a lot of meetings to cover up for the days we ain't here".

Lisa came back and told me the meetings I had to have today.

"Ok, Lisa thank you, I would like to see Mr. Leonard too".

"Ok, I'll inform him".

I nodded. I went to my first meeting with Mia, then the next, then the next, it went on. I had headaches and back and shoulder pains. I seriously need a massage.



"I asked if it was it a favorable deal for our company?".

"Yes it is, it'll help to increase our profit rate and theirs". He nodded and sat down. That was the last meeting. I groaned aloud and the management guys gave me a weird look. I left the room and met Mr. Leonard on the way.

"You wanted to see me?".

"Yes, please follow me". We went to my office and I settled down.

"Yes, I wanted to tell you that I'll be on leave for a few days, and ask if you can run things till I come back".

"Yeah, sure, I can do that".

"Thank you, a lot, for what you've done for our family, you held the company for 10 years and it was great, no huge losses or any of the sort".

"Well, Paul was a good friend of mine, actually, we were classmates in college, he helped when I couldn't get a job, and other hard times, it was really sad when he died, so I repaid him with the best I could", wow, how sweet.

"That's good sir, I'm sure my dad is happy wherever he is". He nodded and forced a smile. There was an awkward silence for a while,

"Yeah, have a nice break, you need it".

"Ok, sir". He left my office and Mia walked in.

"I heard what he said, didn't mean to eavesdrop. he's such a nice man". She said and sat down.

"Yeah, he is".

Mia helped me to review some documents and I signed it. We ate lunch and worked. She's so good at this.

"Mia, please send this back to Lisa", she took the documents and left my office. I texted Helen about the Engagement Party. She called me after getting the text.

"I'm so sad that I'll miss it".

"Yeah, me too, but I'm picking my dress on Saturday, you can come for that".

"Oh, I would love to come for that".

"and I'm going for a reunion on Saturday".

"Reunion, what reunion?".


"Oh", she became silent. "are you comfortable going after-".

"Yes, I know, but one night, it won't hurt".

"Ok, if you say so, I have to go now", she cut the call. She has been preoccupied lately.

Mia came back and we left the office.

Harley is going for a reunion, that would be fun. What do you guys think? Please vote and comment.

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