Chapter 24

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Today was the day Helen and I were supposed to spend the whole day, she leaves for Paris tomorrow and Thank God, she wasn't needed by Mr. LeBlanc.

We first had a breakfast buffet, then went to the mall.

"I want to play Karaoke", Helen whined like a child.

"Okay, Okay, stop whining".

We went to the Arcade, Helen ran to the front. She wasn't even nervous to sing, well, maybe because she has such a good voice.

She sang 'Stupid love' by Lady Gaga. I brought my phone to record her. We needed to make memories.

When she finished, I clapped and yelled. She laughed at my embarrassing behavior.

"Your turn".

"What, no, I didn't sign up for this". I'm not going to embarrass myself.

"Make it my send-off gift, pwease", she tried to sound like a child.

I sighed, "Ok, fine".

I went to the front, I was nervous, there were a lot of people there.

"Um...Hi...I am...uhhhh....going to sing....umm...Long time Coming". It was my mum's favorite song.


"To the dark, dark night.....", my mum sang as she cooked dinner. This was the hundredth time she sang the song.

"Mum, this is like the hundredth time you've sung this song, What's the name?".

She turned back and laughed.

"Well honey, it's called Long Time Coming".

"Ok, Can you teach me the song?".

"Yes, I can". I tried to sing with her as she cooked dinner.

I ended the song crying. People clapped, Helen, walked up to me and helped me down.

"What happened to you, you just started crying?".

"umm...It may sound stupid, it just reminded me of my mum, it was her best song".

She hugged me, "Dearie, it's not stupid, I'm sure she's happy you remembered".

I smiled at her.

"Ok, so where should we go next?".

We went to the cinema to watch, 'Irreplaceable You'.

I cried at the end of the movie and Helen was irritated. She doesn't fancy people crying during movies

"For the love of God, it's a movie, Ok?". Ok, she's right.

We went to buy ice cream. I so wanted to annoy her so I fake cried, louder this time. She was so irritated, I was dying inside from laughter.

"Ok, that's it". She dropped her ice cream on my head.

I wanted to do the same, but she ran before I could pour it. We chased each other around the mall. The securities chased us too. It was so fun. I crashed on her and we fell. We kept on laughing as the security men shook their heads and left.

"I'm going to miss this".

"Me too".

"Well, I have a favor to ask of you".

"Urghh, not again Helen, I'm not dancing this time".

"Not that, can you follow me to Aunt Carol's house, to talk things out with Maddison".

"I don't know, I'm not really sure it's the best time".

"Harley, there is no 'best time', the longer it takes, the harder, Ok?".

I nodded in response. We left the mall and went to Aunt Carol's house.

Aunt Carol and Uncle David weren't around. I was so anxious.

"Don't worry, she won't kill you".

I went to the front of her room. I sighed then knocked on the door.

"I told you not to-", she stopped when she saw me. She shut the door on my face.

"umm, Maddison, please give me a minute or two".

"FUCK OFF!!!!".

"Maddison, I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt that way, and to be fair, I never liked Tyler in that way. he was my best friend. You were also wrong, you bullied me without even telling me the reason. I was devastated that my own blood hated me so much". I stopped talking for a while and sat on the floor.

"I'm sorry", I looked up and saw Maddison. What? She just apologized.


"I said I'm sorry, Ok?, I took it the wrong way, it's just, all good things were happening to you, all I wanted you had, I was so pissed, but I'm sorry Harley, I really am".

I hugged her.

"Wow, this was unexpected", Helen said when she came upstairs.

"soo, Have you talked to Tyler?", Maddison asked.

"No, have you?".

"Well, after that night, he called me a desperate bitch and left".

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't even know where he is".

"well, I know where he's staying".

"Really? Maddison, where?".

"It's a hotel, most of our classmates who came for the reunion lodged there". She wrote down the address and gave me it.

"Thanks, Maddison", in my entire life, would I have believed that Maddison would sit next to me, even talk to me without cursing.

"Yeah, do you guys want something to eat, like pizza?".

Helen and I nodded. Helen was still in shock.

"I'm also surprised Helen, but people change".

"Yeah, you're right, I'm so happy it happened before I went to Paris because if you told me from there, I would've not believed".

I smiled at her.

Maddison brought us Pizza after a while. We all sat down, ate pizza, talked, and laughed. Maddison was such a fun person.

"Ok, so, Can we help me pack now?".

"You've not packed??".

"Well, I partially have, but I still need hands with the other stuff", Helen hasn't packed at all.

We got there and I was right about my assumption. We helped her pack, Helen kept rambling about Paris, I wore a smile but deep down, I was sad that my friend was going.

"Helen, stop talking and help pack", I said angrily.

She scoffed and helped us.

We finished and it was getting late. We decided that I was going to the sleepover. Aunt and Uncle weren't coming home, so it was just us girls.

"No way, I would pick Ryan Gosling over Leonardo DiCaprio". Helen and Maddison kept arguing about handsome men that are way older than them.

"Guys, it's okay, Can we watch Netflix now", I said tiredly.

We went to Maddison's room. It was blue, most of her stuff was blue. Even her eyes.

We sat on her bed, turned the TV on. After trials and tribulations. We finally settled down on the movie 'Jexi'.

Maddison went to get popcorn and we continued the movie.

Helen and Maddison slept on the way, so it left me to clean. I picked the popcorn on the floor and bed. I put the bowl on the nightstand and switched off the light.

Harley and Maddison made up, after so many years. What do you guys think? Please vote and y'all.

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