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"I don't think that it is a good idea for us to enter a forest, kookie. We are just some seventeen years old kids.It is not at all,even for a bit safe for us to go alone",daniel whined to his friend who just rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, nielie. Nothing bad is going to happen",jungkook said as he dragged his friend along with him.

"Nothing happened yet,kookie. You don't know what will happen the next minute. That too we're in a forest for god's sake!!",daniel cried frantically as he prayed for their safety.He even promised god that if he brought them back to their homes safe and sound,he will never see porns for a week.

"Now stop whining, nielie.Did you forget what my grandmother said to us earlier?",jungkook said as he still dragged his poor friend who was in the middle of his prayers.

"I didn't forget anything, kookie. There's some treasure inside the forest. Bla bla bla.But you should understand one thing,kookie",daniel said as he was so done with his friend's useless courage which he lacked a lot.

"And that is?",jungkook asked,clearly not having a single thought of returning back anytime sooner.

"Even if there's a real treasure in there,which i highly doubt,we should be alive to enjoy it.I don't think we'll be returning home at this point.Look at the trees,kookie. Why are they this tall?I've never seen a tall tree like this.This should be a haunted forest".By this time,daniel was full on crying.

"Oh oh,nielie. Don't worry.Nothing will happen to us.They are just some eucalyptus trees,you dumbo.They are supposed to be this tall and for your information, they are not even fully grown.And can you see that some trees are half cut?There are people around here which means even if we get into trouble-

"I'm sure that we will",daniel interrupted but soon shut himself when he saw his friend glaring at him.

"So,even if we get into trouble, we'll be saved by them",jungkook completed his sentence with a smile which was meant to be a reassurance but daniel was too frightened to buy that.

"I think that if we part ways,we'll be able to find the treasure easily. What do you think, nielie?",he asked as he drew a big x mark on a tree.

"I think that's its a bullshit. We're not parting ways and its final",daniel said as he clung himself on jungkook who peeled him away from his body immediately.

"Don't be a scaredy cat,Nielie.It will be a nice adventure for us.And also didn't you wanna buy that new video game?If we find the treasure you could buy every version of that game!",jungkook tried to cheer his friend.

"Adventure, my ass!! I would beg my mom for a week and buy my video game,kookie. Please~let's just go back",daniel pleaded once again and like always,his words went unregistered by jungkook's brain.

"You go that way,nielie.Just come back here after an hour!",jungkook pushed him towards the other side and wordlessly walked away leaving his poor friend all alone in the middle of the forest.

"Ahhhh!",jungkook exhaled loudly as he kept on walking to god knows where.

"Why is it THIS hard to find a damn treasure!!",he shouted in frustration.

"Why do i feel like i've never drunk water for a whole month!?I feel like dying!",jungkook cried as he walked further more.

"Oh god~Atleast let me find some water.At this rate i'm going to die!I hope that nielie is doing good",he murmured as his mission now changed to finding water.

After another 10 minutes of strolling continuously, he found a lake right behind some bushes which was almost invisible because of them.

"Woah!FINALLY!!",he chirped and rushed towards the lake as he drank the water greedily.

"Sweet~What makes this water so sweet!?",he asked to no one in particular.

"Must be because i was really thirsty.",he answered himself and if someone see's him right now they might think that he was mono acting or something like that.As he felt satisfied after almost drinking half of the lake,he looked at his watch and immediately widened his eyes.

"GOD!Its almost time to return back.Nielie will be waiting for me!",jungkook said as he ran towards the starting point and luckily daniel was sitting there with his phone in his hand.

"Nielie?Did you find anything?",jungkook asked as he neared his friend, catching his attention immediately.


"You didn't move an inch from this place,did you?",he asked as he raised his eyebrow and soon rolled his eyes as he saw his friend smiling at him sheepishly.

"I was afraid, kookie",he whined.

"Ahh!Come on,nielie. Lets just go back home",jungkook said as he dragged daniel with him who was more than happy.

But what jungkook didn't know was,the water he drunk awhile ago was the treasure his grandmother talked about which will fulfill his one wish he would ask for.

So...what do you think about this story?Interesting??Starting a story always makes me nervous😌

And fyi,only the first wish of jungkook will be fulfilled....

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