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"Kookie, don't cry please",daniel said as he hugged his sobbing friend.

"I'm sorry,kookie. I must have not talked about the hickies",jimin apologised, feeling extremely guilty but his words immediately sparked everyone's attention who decided to keep quiet for the time being.

"I really thought that it was from V-

"It is",even before jimin could complete his sentence, jungkook interrupted making everyone surprised.

"What!?kookie?",daniel called out,totally surprised by his friend's confession.

"But....but he acted as if he didn't do it?",jimin couldn't help but ask,totally confused by the situation.

"Yesterday he came back home while he was heavily drunken. He thought that he was dreaming when he saw me in his room-

"Why were you in his room?",j-hope asked,totally unable to grasp the situation.

"To apologize, hope. Now stop interrupting him",suga scolded which made him to close his mouth immediately.

"He thought that he was dreaming with me in it and confessed his feelings to me. He said that he must make everyone understand whom I belonged to and started marking me,eventually falling asleep in the middle",jungkook said in between his tears.

"And now he's thinking that I went to my girlfriend even when he said that I should not and he's angry at me",he said and started sobbing loudly, making everyone to feel bad for him.

"That dumb kid always forgets his doings when he's drunk. Aish!",jin muttered frustratingly which made everyone to sigh in dissapointment.

"Don't worry, kookie. He'll be back within an hour or so. When he comes back,tell him everything and solve the problem. He'll for sure understand you",RM tried to reassure but sighed when the younger male just continued crying.

"But,suga hyung?You seemed to know about everything which is going on?",j-hope asked while the others looked at him expectantly, waiting for his answer.

"That's because I know. Just yesterday Scooby told me about everything. ",he said and rolled his eyes when he saw the others wordlessly asking him to continue.

"Apparently, kookie here doesn't have a girlfriend. Scooby was Daliet",he started narrating the story while everyone listened to him with wide opened mouths.

"You guys are really something!",was the first thing RM said and everyone nodded their heads in agreement, too surprised and shocked to react anymore.

"I want V",jungkook cried for the nth time.

"Just wait for a bit,kookie. He'll come back",jin tried to console the younger who continued crying.

"You've been telling me the same thing for the past 3 hours. When will he be back. I want him now!",he cried,making everyone to sigh sadly.

"Hope!Track V's location.",suga said and j-hope immediately obliged as he himself couldn't tolerate tears in their maknaes eyes.

"Kookie, calm down. Hopie will trace his location and we will for sure bring him to you",park said as he hugged jungkook along with daniel who were already hugging eachother.

"Daegu!He's in daegu!",J-hope came running towards the others making them sigh in frustration.

"What do I do with this kid!",suga muttered under his breath and sighed when he heard the sobs from jungkook which was getting louder and louder.

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