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"I'm gonna confess my feelings to V this evening, nielie",jungkook said which immediately made daniel to look at his friend who looked more than determined at the moment.

"I don't even think that I would have a chance with V but I don't wanna lose it if I had one by chance",he continued as he walked back and forth and daniel who was lying down on his bed,couldn't help but smile happily at his determination.

"Thank god you decided to be a bit more courageous about confessing your feelings. Everything will turn good once you do it,kookie",daniel said as he sat up,leaning over the headboard of the bed.

"I'm not yet that courageous, nielie. Its just that.....yesterday they beat us up saying that we're not worth and all. Other than that, they've said one more thing. Do you remember, nielie?",jungkook asked and sighed at the other who scratched his head.

"I was busy with crying,kookie. That beast literally threw that big ass branch on my ankle! Shitheaded cockroach!",daniel grumbled.

"We'll have our revenge one day,nielie. Don't worry. And coming back to what I was saying,they said that Hailey is more suitable for V.",he said and sighed.

"And?",daniel asked as he raised his eyebrows, not able to grasp what the other was trying to say.

"If I think about it,she's beautiful, rich,smart and less troublesome than me. Maybe a bitch but who cares. And I can't even imagine how many more Haileys are there in this world who are trying to snatch V away from me. So I thought that I should take a step before its too late",jungkook said as he sat beside daniel who hugged him immediately.

"This was what I was trying to make you understand, kookie. Just act what your heart says. Ignore those baseless worries and make him your boyfriend as soon as possible",daniel cheered which did raise the other's mood but something seemed to catch his mind at his friend's words.

"Oh shit!",he screeched which startled the other immensely.

"What happened, kookie!?You startled me!",daniel whined but frowned when he saw his friend's restless face.

"Kookie, what happened?",he asked once again and gasped when the other hugged him suddenly with great force.

"I'm doomed,nielie.",jungkook sighed as he whined loudly, confusing him even more.

"What's happening,kookie?I don't understand anything. Atleast tell me so that I could give you company",daniel said but yelped when he got pinched on his thigh.

"Daliet",he muttered and sighed loudly.

"MY GOD!I REALLY FORGOT ABOUT THAT CHARACTER!",daniel screeched in the top of his lungs which made jungkook to close his mouth immediately with his palms.

"Don't shout,nielie. You'll disturb everyone's nap",he scolded and looked down while pouting.

"What do we do,kookie? He'll for sure ask you about Daliet when you confess, right?",daniel asked as he pouted but widened his eyes as he got a brilliant idea.

"How about this,kookie? Tell him that she broke up with you or even better! You could say him that she died?!",he suggested which made jungkook to sigh at him.

"I don't want to lie to him anymore, nielie. This feeling I have for him is real?deep? I don't know how to express but I don't want to start a relationship with lies... that is,if I could even start one in the first place.",he sighed.

"I understand, kookie. So,what's the plan?",daniel asked as he caressed the other's hair softly.

"To tell him the truth,i guess"

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