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That weekend-

"Pack your clothes required for a day,bunny boy.We'll be going out within an hour.",V who barged inside jungkook's room all of a sudden said ,startling the two boys who were  cuddling.

"Hmm?Are we going on a trip or something?",jungkook asked,sleep still evident in his eyes as he looked at daniel who looked dazed.It was still too early for them to deal with shits!

"You're not allowed to ask me questions, bunny.And fyi,its only you and me",he said and slammed the door shut,leaving jungkook alone with a dazed daniel who was in the middle of processing his words .

"AHHHH!!",he started shouting after he understood the situation he was put into,startling daniel in process.

"KOOKIE!!WHAT HAPPENED!?",he shouted back but soon composed himself and hugged the other who was crying by now.

"Nielie, V said that we're going somewhere and asked me to pack clothes for a day",he said in between his sobs.

"Ok?I don't see anything wrong in that.If anything, i'm totally excited to go out",daniel said as he eyed at jungkook who looked like he was about to beat the shit out of him.

"Dumbo Nielie!Its only us who are going out!Only two of us!Him and i!",he growled at his friend, who looked bewildered by his sudden outburst.

"Only you two?Where is he taking you?",daniel asked as he scratched his head,totally understanding his friend's situation by now.

"That is the problem, nielie. He says that i'm not allowed to ask him any questions.Like what the hell!I'm totally afraid to go with him alone, nielie. What if he kills and buries me somewhere and pretends to everyone that i went missing or eloped with GDragon?",jungkook asked as he started crying yet again,pushing daniel into deep thoughts.

"That V guy is capable of doing such things,kookie. But don't worry. I have a plan. Just listen to me closely,alright?",daniel started after a few minutes of silence and continued when he felt like he got jungkook's full attention on him.

"Remember the spare mobile we have?Which we use just for playing games?",he asked to which the other nodded his head as he wiped his nose with his hand.

"Take it with you.Even if that man takes away your mobile from you,i'll be able to track your location with that. And also,I have a pepper spray with me,kookie. If you think that he's behaving weirdly, spray it on him and just give me a missed call from that phone .I'll immediately send your location to the nearby police station and ask for help.So don't worry.I'll always be with you even if it is just virtual.",he said and hugged the other who hugged back immediately.

"Thank you so much,nielie. I don't know what i'll do without you",jungkook said as he hugged his best friend tightly.

After an hour-

"Take care,kookie. If he does anything funny,just call me.I'll break his bones with the help of suga",daniel said as he hugged the boy,slightly scared by the glaring V who stood just beside his friend.

"Excuse me?What do you guys think about me?Am i some sort of a pervert in your eyes?",he asked as he looked pointedly at the two boys who smiled sheepishly at him while the others were laughing silently at the scene.

"Don't be offended, V hyung. I was just saying",daniel said to which the elder just rolled his eyes.

"Why are you rolling your eyes at my friend, tho?He's just looking out for me.Will you be okay if your best friend goes out alone for 2 days with a man who kissed him out of nowhere in the middle of the whole class ?",jungkook asked as he glared at the other who glared back with the same intensity.

"You talk too much!Just get inside the car,you brat",he said and decided to ignore his friends' laughter as he made jungkook to sit down on the passenger's seat while he himself sat on the driver's seat not before he hugged his friends.

Soon the car drove off ,leaving daniel to look longingly at the car from the driveway.

"What's with the longing face,Scooby?He'll be alright. Don't worry.V is really a genuine person so nothing harm will happen to your friend.Trust me",suga said as he looked at the boy who sighed loudly.


"He himself doesn't know why he kissed him that day,Scooby. But after that did you see him behaving oddly with jungkook in any way.Sure he was rude,but he has never laid even a finger on him in a wrong way.I mean,not sexually,right? So don't worry and come inside. You have a lot to study ,by the way",he said as he entered the mansion, leaving daniel to whine alone at his misery.

"Where are you taking me?",jungkook asked for the nth time but huffed out loudly when he was ignored yet again.

"V~~tell me~",he whined,making taehyung to smile at the cutie which went unnoticed by the whining male who was busy whining.

"Not gonna say.Just wait a little, bunny",V said which made jungkook to whine evenmore.

"You're literally kidnapping me!I've been asking you the same thing for an hour by now!",he whined as he looked out through the window, clearly frustrated by the driver.

"Are you upset?",V asked amused by the younger's action who was now pouting cutely while looking out.

"Hmmm...seems like the brat is ignoring me now",he thought as a small smile made its way on his face.

So a new chapter.Nothing big happened,but something big might happen within 2 chapters,i guess...

So where do you think V is taking Jungkookie?

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