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"Here,have it,Justin",daniel handed over jungkook's Iron Man to their so called life saver while jungkook was busy drilling holes on his friend's head.

"i'm happy that you kept your words,man.Thank you for this,by the way",Justin said as he threw the figurine inside his bag just like that,making jungkook to lose his mind immediately. How dare he!!.But jungkook's anger was solely on his friend who was the main reason for his Iron Man's misery and daniel who sensed the angry aura emitting from his dearest friend, made a run to save himself because angry jungkook is really dangerous for his physical health.

Daniel ran faster than the speed of light around the corridor for his life while jungkook chased him so that he could beat his friend atleast for once.He was determined to teach a lesson to his friend so that he would NEVER EVER TRADE HIS IRON MAN for the rest of his life.So here they are,running around looking like tom and jerry,too into their own world which made them not to realize that they passed through the BTS who were now watching them running around.

"They don't stop being mischievous,do they?",J-hope asked as he watched the duo in amusement.

"They are cute,tho.They are adorably mischievous,hyung. ",Park said as he laughed at them because who would not.Daniel was having the most frightened expression on his face as he looked like he was running to save himself from the main villain of a movie while jungkook looked as if he was chasing the most notorious acquist criminal.

"Cute rascals",jin smiled but soon turned his attention to suga.

"But what's wrong with suga?Why is he smiling like this?",jin asked which brought everyone's attention on him.

"Well, if you've some basic knowledge, humans do smile",he said as he looked at the two,who was at the other side of the corridor.

"That's why i'm asking",jin asked to which suga decided to ignore which made everyone to laugh while taehyung was standing there,busily following jungkook with his eyes.

"Hyung, calm down.Look.They're back and oh well!I can see Mr.Lee with them",RM said as he looked at the duo who was dragged by their ears towards their class by none other than Mr.Lee.

"Why are you running around the corridors like maniacs,kids?When we ask you to participate in the intra college competitions you'd say that you are not fit to be athletes, so and so but now you're running like Husain bolt.Doing constructive things is not at all in your lists,is it?",Mr.Lee asked as he still held their ears in his hands.

"Mr.Lee~Please let our ears go~",daniel pleaded to which the teacher just rolled his eyes.

"And why should i?",he asked,totally annoyed for ruining his mood early in the morning.

"Because those ears belongs to us,Mr.Lee",jungkook said but soon hissed in pain when his ears were twisted even more.

"You should have thought about the consequences before you decided racing with your friend",he said,now twisting daniel's ear and the BTS who were still not noticed by both the students and the teacher was having a great time as this type of scene was totally new to them.

"But,Mr.Lee!Nielie was the reason behind this.He was the one who traded my Iron Man to Justin!",jungkook said as he glared at his friend.

"But ,Mr.Lee!I just did what you taught me!Didn't you say that a true man should keep up his words no matter what?That's what i did!",daniel argued back,making the group to silently laugh at them,even taehyung who was trying his best to remain neutral couldn't control his smile.

"So you're saying that the reason behind your ruckus was me!",Mr.Lee asked as he freed their ears which were cherry red by now.

"NOT AT ALL,MR.LEE!YOU'RE AN INNOCENT SOUL!",daniel shouted causing Mr.Lee to glare at him in confusion.

"What the hell was that?",he asked and jungkook took the initiative to clear it to his professor.

"Do you remember this,Mr.Lee?One fine day, it was raining heavily outside while you were preaching life morals to us.That day you taught us that it is not at all fair to blame others mainly innocent souls for our own mistakes.Eventhough we were really sleepy that day,we were indeed listening each and every word of yours,Mr.Lee.You are our inspiration",jungkook said as he hugged the teacher who was in the peak of bursting out.

"YOU BRATS!",he literally shouted making both jungkook and daniel to stand straight due to the sudden outburst.

"You scared us,Mr.Lee",daniel pouted.

"You were right, nielie.He does look like those British explorers",jungkook said as he took a closer look at the teacher who was becoming increasingly frustrated as each and every minute went by.

"Explorer.. what?",he asked while the group behind him was trying their best to not laugh louder and interrupt the quality event which they were witnessing that moment.

"Yes,Mr.Lee.Explorers like Christiano colombus?",daniel said but soon got hit on his head by his friend.

"That's Christopher colombus, you dumbo.Christiano is for Ronaldo",he said and BTS who were trying their best not to laugh couldn't hold anymore and burst into laughter bringing the attention of not only the students but also the teacher.

"What are you guys doing here?Isn't it already time for the class to start?Get inside first!And you two-Raise your hands above your head for 10 minutes and enter the class.I'll be watching you,so no cheating. If you try to cheat,you'll be having the same punishment for the whole semester. Mind it!",Mr.Lee said and went inside, followed by the BTS who gently smiled at the duo before entering while taehyung kept his gaze fixed on the bunny boy even after he went to his seat.

Well that day went on with taehyung staring at the bunny boy while the said boy was in his own world with his friend, oblivious of the fact that a tiger was watching his each and every moves.

(By the way,the corridors are square shaped,so they could watch them)

So,long time no see~I missed you so so so much.Hope everyone liked this chapter.

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