"Kookie!!This means,he really cares for you,right!?",daniel shouted as he jumped up and down.
"Calm down,nielie. Its really late at night. Do you wanna get scolded by the BTS?",jungkook asked as he smiled at his friend who was still jumping excitedly.
After the drama which took place in the mall,the pair came back to their house in a somewhat awkward manner. For jungkook, V calling him 'my baby' made him really flustered while for V, he was just giddy that his bunny boy really cared for him and literally cried like a baby just for him. This made them to have nill conversation between them and hurriedly made their ways to their rooms wordlessly.
"Do you know what this means,kookie? V will not make fun of you or bully you if you confess your feelings to him!",daniels chirped with an unending excitement which didn't fail to make the other smile.
"When did you turn to be this matured,nielie? Thinking big things and all?What happened to my baby who likes to be babied 24/7?",he cooed as he pinched the other's cheeks who pouted in response.
"I was always mature. Don't forget that I'm the elder one here and also, are you trying to change the subject?",he asked as he crossed his arms above his chest.
"No,nielie. I was just surprised. That was the most wisest thing you've said in your whole life. Can't a man be surprised?",he asked but yelped immediately when he got hit on his head.
"Very funny~ Anyways, you better confess your feelings to him or I'm going to do it for you",daniel said in a warning tone which instantly made jungkook to widen his eyes in shock.
"WHAT THE HELL,NIELIE!? I've been dreaming for a while about how romantic my confession will be!Don't you dare to ruin my fantasies!",jungkook slightly growled which made his friend to roll his eyes.
"I don't care about your fantasies, kookie. You better confess your feelings in a week or else I'm doing it. Have you forgotten that the man has the whole college lining up for him?",he asked as he laid down on the bed and jungkook followed him with a groan.
"In a way you're right, nielie-
"I'm right in all ways. So what you're saying?"
"I'll confess in a week. I promise",jungkook said as he hugged daniel tightly who hugged back immediately.
"That's my kookie",daniel said happily as he smiled widely.
"But I'm nervous. What if-
"Don't be. Just throw off your nervousness and try to be calm,kookie. What is going to happen will happen no matter what. Being nervous will never change the future"
"You seriously sound like a preacher, nielie. Oh how I miss my baby nielie~Should I adopt someone like him?",jungkook pouted but yelped when the said male bit his shoulder.
"Suga taught me things and I'm just transferring those facts to enlighten you. Don't make fun of me,you dumbo",daniel whined and pouted when the other laughed even more.
"So finally the truth is out. The world will turn upside down if you had such thoughts in your mind,nielie. My god!",jungkook said dramatically and laughed out loud when he got hit continuously from the flustered male.
Next morning~
"Nielie, come fast. Its already late. Everyone must be waiting for us!",jungkook said as he opened the door only to fall down immediately.
"Kookie!What happened!?",daniel who saw the other falling down came running towards him but got surprised when the said male was lying down while smiling dreamily.

Romantizm"When did you promote yourself from being a badboy to a playboy, tae?",the shorter male asked with a smirk,irritating the bandana boy. "Argg!Trust me,hyung. I myself don't know what happened to me.Suddenly my legs walked by themselves to that boy an...