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A few days later~


"So if you cancel both the X's-"


"You'll get the answer-

"V,please~I'm hungry",jungkook whined as V continued tutoring him.

"When are you not hungry,bunny boy?",V grumbled as he smiled secretly at the now pouting boy.

"I'm hungry~",he whined once again making V to sigh in response.

"Alright. Eat something and come within 5 minutes",he said but raised his eyebrow when jungkook started whining once again.

"But we don't have ramyun. Nielie ate my ramyun this morning",he whined.

"Eat something else,bunny. Don't act like a child",V said as he huffed at the younger.

"I want to eat spicy ramyun now. Please, V. I'll buy and comeback within10 minutes. Promise!",he pleaded.

"Just look at the sky,bunny. It seems like it would rain heavily any time. I'm not allowing you to get out of the house right now. And not to mention, they've said that we're most likely to be hit by a storm. So i'm not willing to take any risks",V said but sighed when he saw the other pouting at him with his puppy eyes on display.

"Its like this for the past one hour, V. Please!Only 10 minutes. Pretty please~",he pleaded and rejoiced when V sighed as he nodded slowly.

"Alright. Only 10 minutes-

"Thank you,V!",jungkook chirped as he dashed out immediately, not letting V to complete his sentence.

"Take your umbrella, you brat! Gosh!He nevers listens to me!",V grumbled and sighed in displease when a loud thunder was heard.

"Spicy spicy ram~yun~~

Tasty tasty ram~yun~~

Kookie's favourite ram~yun~~

Spicy spicy ram~yun~~",he sang as he picked 3 packets of ramyun from the counter.

"Alright. 3 for nielie, suga and myself. Now where's the bland ramyun. That dumbo V likes bland ones just like him. Such a baby yet he manages to be rude towards me. His parents must have named him as Irony instead of whatever his real name is",he grumbled as he picked a packet of a normal ramyun.

As he walked out to pay for his ramyuns,he was surprised to see that it was raining cats and dogs. Just a minute ago,it was windy and now its raining like there's no tomorrow!

"V is going to kill me. I'm so sure about it. Stupid, kookie. Why did you run out without even taking an umbrella with you! I'm so done with you!",he murmured to himself but got startled when the cashier lady shouted at him.

"Are you gonna pay or not ,kid!?",she shouted which made jungkook to rush towards her.

"Do you have money with you?",she asked as she scanned the items.

"Offcourse, i do",he grumbled as he rummaged his pocket for money.

"120 won",she said boredly as she passed the items and jungkook immediately paid and walked out feeling irritated by the rude woman.

"When is this rain going to stop and when am I going back home!?And above everything, I'm hungry",he whined and crouched down as he hid his face in between his legs but got startled when he heard a sudden voice.

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