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"V?",jungkook called the other as he turned around from his seat.

"Yes?",V asked back,raising his eyebrow questioningly at the younger who was slightly wriggling around?

"I need to pass water",he said as he pouted at the other who still looked confused.

"Pass it? Why are you asking me?",he asked back which instantly made the other to groan loudly as he glared at him.

"What?Why are you glaring at me?Do you want me to pass it for you?",he asked,not knowing why the other looked really pissed.

"Bunny?",he called once again with the lack of response.

"Are you a dumbo,V?",jungkook asked as he crossed his arms above his chest.

"Excuse you? Are you calling me a dumbo? ",V asked,amused by the sudden outburst.

"Yes,because you ARE dumb! Whatever! I have no time to talk.Just carry me to the restroom",he said and rolled his eyes when the other still gave him a confused look.

"I need to pee,you dumbo!And its your punishment to carry me around. Remember? So,just give me a piggyback ride to the nearest restroom as soon as possible",he grumbled and now it was V's turn to roll his eyes.

"How could you even expect me to understand when you say that you need to pass water all of a sudden,bunny?",he asked and glared at the still wriggling male.

"You want me to piss myself in the middle of the class?If not,just carry me already, V!",he whined which made the other to rush towards his side.

"What were you doing until you reach to this extent!? You must empty your kidney once in a while and not wait until its in the verge of bursting!",he scolded as he grabbed the other,walking out of their class immediately. They were lucky enough that Mr.Ha was absent that day.

"Stop spending your energy in talking and rush towards the restroom,V. You're not understanding my urgency",jungkook whined and though V rolled his eyes at the whining male,he ran towards the nearest restroom.

"Only now I could see things clearly. Ooff~",jungkook breathed out as he came out of the stall and walked towards the sink but got startled when a hoarse voice came from his back.

"I should have let V to come with me in the first place!What were you even thinking when you asked him to stay outside, you dumbo!",he thought as he turned back only to be met with a boy whose half of the face was covered with a mask. Eventhough it was covered,he could clearly recognize that it was Rooney from his class which made him to scoff at the dumb boy's poor effort.

"You scared me,Rooney!",he said as he rolled his eyes.

"Huh?",the Rooney boy asked but yelped as he got hit by the other.

"What? Its not that hard to recognize you when that haunted bird nest of a hair is on full display,Rooney",he shook his head slightly as he turned to wash his hands.

"Whatever!Just go to the backside of the school alone right this moment!",Rooney said in a 'menacing' tone which instantly made jungkook to laugh at him.

"And why should I?",he asked as he looked at the now frowning boy questioningly but widened his eyes once the said boy brought his mobile right before his face which displayed a picture of his nielie held by two other boys.


"Yes. Nielie. If you don't want his body to be filled with a bunch of open cut wounds, you better rush towards the said place without informing this to anyone. If you seek help, we have people all around the campus who will inform us immediately. So don't try to act intelligently. It will only make things harder for your nielie evenmore", Rooney said and walked out,leaving a wide eyed jungkook all alone in the dirty restroom.

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