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"Nielie!Are you alright?Are you able to breath properly?Why did they take the ventilator so soon?",jungkook bombarded his friend with his unending questions as soon as he entered the hospital room.

"I'm totally fine,kookie. Now hug me",daniel said as he hugged the other tightly who hugged back instantly.

"You scared me to death,nielie!Wait?Did you do it purposely just like the other day?",jungkook asked as he crossed his arms against his chest as he glared at his friend who shook his head immediately as a no.

"Not at all,kookie!I promised you,right?No matter what happens,I'll keep my promise.Today,I was just hungry and ate the first thing i saw.Sorry,kookie",daniel apologised and the two people who were witnessing the scene couldn't understand anything which was going on right infront of them.

"Wait?What's happening here?Did this sort of thing happen before?",suga asked as he looked at V who also looked as confused as him.

"Yeah,Tell us,bunny boy.",V asked as he looked at jungkook intently, waiting for an answer who looked at daniel for permission. And as soon as he got a green signal from the other,he started narrating their history.

"So this happened like....2 years ago.That fine day ,we returned home from our school,totally exhausted because of our intense dance practice-",jungkook started but suddenly got interrupted by daniel.

"We're great dancers,you know",daniel suddenly talked in between which earned a glare from the two elders.

"Yellow card,Scooby. Next time you'll recieve a red card which means you'll be in trouble. After you discharge from the hospital, you'll be punished. Mind it",suga warned him and nodded at jungkook to continue.

"So when we reached home,daniel came along with me to my room.That's when things happened",jungkook said dramatically, making the two listeners to groan at him.

"Stop being over dramatic,bunny boy",V growled lowly which made jungkook suddenly to be nervous as hell.

"Alright alright. Relax,V.So when we went to our home-

"You went to your home!We understand!What the hell did happen after that!?",suga literally shouted.

"Ooff!Why are you guys suddenly becoming violent?Chillax~So,where was i?Yeah!As soon as we reached my room, Hyeonie brought shrimp fries for me and chicken fries for nielie. But before i could finish my shower,nielie ate all my shrimp fries!That dumbo!And when i came out,he was laying on the bed,breathing heavily with body full of rashes and when i went near him,he fainted just like that giving me a heart attack!",Jungkook said as he shuddered visibly at the mere thought of that day.

"You were a fool from the beginning, i see.",suga said as he just sighed,dumbfounded by the boy's stupidity.

"But it was really tasty, suga.I just decided to eat one but its taste made me to eat it continuously.Its the shrimp's fault",daniel whined, making the others to roll his eyes at him.

"I've nothing to say.Just go to sleep,kid.Its already too late",suga said as he made daniel to lie down who surprisingly compiled immediately.

"I'll just sit in this chair.You two,share the couch",he continued as he sat on the chair which was near the bed.

"Will you be alright?You can take the couch,suga.",jungkook said and came near suga who just rejected his offer as he glared at him.

"Just take the couch, kid.Now stop talking. I'm so tired to even talk.",he said as he closed his eyes,making jungkook to shut his mouth immediately.

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