"Suga?",daniel called as he entered the room,surprising the other who was reading a book.
"Scooby?What are you doing here?Didn't the nurse ask you to take rest?Do you want to walk with the crutches for another week?",he asked as he rushed towards the other,slowly and steadily bringing him towards his bed.
"No,suga. I just came here.......so that I could sleep with you",he said as he sat on the bed.
"Huh?Sleep with me?",Suga asked,trying to ignore the dirty thoughts arising in his mind,knowing too well that the kid before him is slightly holier than him.
"What about kookie?",he asked as he mentally slapped himself for even having such a thought when his Scooby has a broken ankle.
"Kookie was the one who asked me to sleep with you",he replied sadly.
"Why?What happened?"
"He's waiting for V hyung to come back so that he could apologize",daniel pouted as he looked at the elder who was more than confused by now.
"Apologize to him?Is he the reason for V's anger? He was really angry when he stormed out this evening",suga said as he sat beside daniel.
"Actually suga......
"Don't tell me that you're some way involved in that",suga warned but sighed loudly when the other lowered his head down.
"What did you guys do this time?",he asked as he crossed his arms above his chest,making daniel to pout slightly.
"Promise me that you won't get angry at me"
"Sugaaaa~Please~ We really didn't know that it would cause this much problem",daniel whined but closed his mouth instantly when he saw the other glaring at him.
"Just tell me,Scooby. What.did.you.do?",suga asked once again,this time more sternly.
"Kookie doesn't have a girlfriend-
"Huh? What do you mean?",he interrupted,not understanding a thing.
"He doesn't have a girlfriend, suga.",daniel repeated as he looked at the other timidly.
"That day we just wanted to watch a movie and you guys were really strict. So we lied.-
"WHAT!?YOU LIED!?",suga literally shouted,making daniel to quiver in fear.
"Actually kookie didn't mean to say that he has a girlfriend at the beginning. He just became really nervous when V started asking a lot of questions and kookie always blabbers nonsense if he gets nervous",daniel said as he looked down.
"Then what about that girl!?We met his so called girlfriend in the mall that day?",he asked, totally confused.
"Actually suga.....that was me. We saw you guys getting tickets that day. We didn't know what to do so I disguised myself as kookie's girlfriend.",daniel said as he felt tears flowing through his eyes but didn't allow himself to look at the other.
"You guys are unbelievable!",suga said after a few seconds of silence as he ruffled his hair in frustration.
"Do you know what you guys have caused!?V was really heartbroken because of your lies!That boy really loves your friend and as a reward for that, you guys have given him the biggest heart shattering lies!",suga scolded and groaned as he heard small sniffs from the other.
"Look at me!",he ordered which instantly made the younger to look at him,not wanting to anger the other evenmore.
"Why are you crying!?",he asked as he gave a pointed look at the crying male which made him to cry evenmore.

Romans"When did you promote yourself from being a badboy to a playboy, tae?",the shorter male asked with a smirk,irritating the bandana boy. "Argg!Trust me,hyung. I myself don't know what happened to me.Suddenly my legs walked by themselves to that boy an...