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"We're late,nielie. Mr.Lee is gonna chop us",jungkook said as he held daniel's hand tightly, running towards their class at his maximum speed.It was going to be the first day of them being a slave of V and Suga respectively but that was not the real problem for the duo at the moment.They are already 20 minutes late for Mr.Lee's class and that's what matters right now.

"Why didn't Hyeonie wake us up!?Its all her fault!",daniel whined as he struggled to match his friend's pace.

"We'll steal her jellies this evening and eat right in front of her eyes, nielie. Hyeonie needs to be disciplined",jungkook said and stopped running as they reached their class but unfortunately, daniel who was running behind him,crashed on him making both of them to fall down,causing a loud noise.And if Mr.Lee had a slightest thought of allowing them inside the classroom, it should have been disappeared by now without any trace due to the chaotic duo's chaos.

"YOU TWO!!LATE AS ALWAYS!",Mr.Lee shouted which made the two boys to stand up immediately.

"Mr.Lee...its just that-",jungkook started but soon interrupted.

"Let me complete that.You overslept because your mom didn't wake you up.Am i right?",he asked as he glared at them.

"Bingo,Mr.Lee!!",jungkook chirped but soon controlled himself as he saw a frustrated Mr.Lee who was fuming in anger.

"ENOUGH!!I'm tired of scolding you two.Just look at you.One is still in his bed hair and the other one has a ponytail. Who comes to college like this?",Mr.Lee sighed as he looked at the kids who were looking at each other in confusion.

Lee sighed as he looked at the kids who were looking at each other in confusion

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"Oh!Sorry, Mr

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"Oh!Sorry, Mr.Lee.I totally forgot about my ponytail",daniel said as he smiled sheepishly to which Mr.Lee just sighed in response.

"Even if i give you a detention, you'll make me feel like i'm the one who is being punished.Just go to your seats before i kill you both",he said and the boys without any other word,rushed to their seats which were already occupied?

"Mr.Lee!!These people took our seats illegally.They didn't even ask us!",jungkook shouted.

"What do you mean by illegal, kid?They asked me beforehand because they couldn't concentrate properly with their seats at the back.So stop arguing and just go sit in their seats instead.",Mr.Lee said as he turned towards the board.

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