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"Run faster, nielie!We could not let that stupid dumbo Justin to catch us",jungkook said as he ran fast,clutching his Iron Man dearly close to his chest.

"I still couldn't believe that he kept his bag with himself yesterday fully!",daniel said as he ran faster.

"He might have guessed that we would be planning something.Thank god that he brought my Iron Man back with him even today.",jungkook said as he kissed his figurine which was in his arms like a baby.

He was too immersed in smooching his Iron Man that he didn't notice anyone in front of him which eventually made him to collide with a rock like chest and to his misery it was kai,the head of the bullies along with the other bullies of the college.

"Well well well!Look at whom we have got here~",kai said looking down menacingly at jungkook and then at daniel who just collided on jungkook.

"The two famous troublemakers of our college?",lisa said with a smirk.

"Or an useless boy whose friend seduced V?",jaebum said as he hit jungkook's head slightly earning a glare from him.

"Or our new punchbags?",wonho said and kicked daniel who whined loudly.

"Would you give us the honor and follow us to the rooftop, dear punchbags?We've got a lot of things to talk with you which includes making you learn some of our rules",lisa said as she motioned shownu and seulgi to drag the two towards the rooftop.

Meanwhile at the rooftop-

"Oh~love is in the air~",park singsonged as he moved his body like a jelly fish.

"What are you up to,jimin?",jin asked,eyeing jimin who was busily being weird as always.

"Young love is in air~",he repeated with the same dance and namjoon was fast enough to kick the boy.

"Offcourse we are young. Are you aiming to hurt my Jinnie?",he said as he hugged his boyfriend.

"So you're saying that i'm old?",jin glared at him making namjoon to gulp in fear.

"Its not that,Jinnie-

"I was not talking about you,hyung. Look at tae and yoongi hyung. I referred to them by saying young love because they are new to this lovely world of being in love.Ain't i a genius, seokie?",park asked to which j-hope just decided to ignore his lover.

"Are you guys in love or what?",he asked but the other two were too deep in their own thoughts to even acknowledge the question which was thrown towards them.

"Tae!Hyung!",park shouted ,startling the two dreamers in process who were irritated by the interruption.

"What is it,chim?",V asked while suga was busy glaring at the shortest.

"What are you thinking about?",he asked as he shoved j-hope towards suga who was making him nervous with his cold glares.

"Its nothing.Its just that,bunny boy-

"Oh!Always thinking about your bunny boy,i see",he said,earning a glare from the other.

"Do you like him,tae?Just asking for some general knowledge",RM butted in.

"Hyung!No.Not at all.I don't like him or anything like that!I'm just thinking-

"Thinking?",Park interrupted him yet again,irritating the bandana boy.

"Hoseok hyung,control your boyfriend before i throw him upside down from here",V said as he glared at the midget who hid behind his boyfriend.

"No violence, tae",j-hope said while jimin struck his tongue out at V ,making him even more frustrated at him.

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