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"Explain",V said in a dangerously deep tone which made jungkook to shudder instantly but controlled himself and started speaking with only one thought in his mind.I must make everything right for us.

"I-i-i d-don't ha-ve a g-girlfriend,V. I l-lied to y-you",he confessed and looked at V who was just staring at him. He took a deep breath and continued talking, scolding himself to control his stutters.

"A-at the be-ginning, you kept on making u-us to study without giving us a break. So we decided to take a break by ourselves in our own way but I swear that I didn't mean to tell you that I had a girlfriend!We were just planning to tell you that our pa was coming to meet us. But when you started asking a lot of questions, I became nervous and sprouted things that I didn't mean to.",he said,eyeing V who was still staring at him.

"And when we went to the mall,we saw you guys outside the cinema hall,getting tickets……...But we didn't want to go back without watching the movie as we didn't know when we'll get another free time like that again. So,I made nielie to d-dress up like my girlfriend and that's how you met me with daliet",he said as he wiped his tears.

"I'm so sorry,V. I didn't mean to lie to you like that! ",he said in between his sobs but controlled himself and continued speaking.

"At the beginning, I didn't feel anything for you…..like I didn't like you. Like the rest of the students I too thought that you were hot and all but nothing more than that. But after I spent time with you,even without my own knowledge, I started falling for you slowly but deeply.",he said as he looked straight at the other who was still acting indifferent which created a lump in his throat, urging him to cry once again but controlled himself as the need to tell his true feelings to the other overpowered.

"Eventually I realized that I'm in love with you but….but fear overtook me. The fear of being rejected, the fear of you making fun of my feelings, the fear of you bullying me along with nielie because of that. Like this a bunch of fears stopped me from confessing my feelings for you. As days went by,though my love for you kept on increasing,my fears grew along with that and nielie who was witnessing everything even threatened me that he will confess my feelings to you if I'm not doing it in a week".

"Though he threatened me,I was still in the dilemma and that was when those bison attacked us. That was when something sparked inside me. I realized 2 things that day. One is, you cared for me too much to make fun of me or to bully me. That was the moment I decided to confess my feelings for you. Even if you rejected me,I was okay with that.And the second is that, I came to know that people would even go to an extent to even beat up others in order to get you for themselves and I didn't like it for a bit. You're a person with a heart for god's sake! So I decided to take things in my hand. After I confessed my feelings for you,I wanted to make them learn their lessons no matter what your answer for my confession would be",he grumbled.

"I decided to tell you about everything yesterday but got scared when I realized that you'd get angry at me. I was really scared but got an idea that if I bought you an apology gift,your anger may be reduced. So that's why I came to you yesterday evening,asking you to allow me to go out. But when you started getting ready to come along with me,as usual I became nervous and blabbered nonsense.",he said and walked near V who remained silent until now.

"I didn't mean any of that I said to you yesterday, V. You mean the world to me. I love you so much. Please forgive me",he cried as he hugged the taller male who didn't hug back immediately which made the smaller male to cry even harder.

He continued crying for another minute but stopped abruptly when he felt the other knock on the top of his head gently which made him to peel away from the hug, only to look at the other male who was crying as heavily as him. He closed his eyes when he felt him raising his hand to knock on his head once again but opened his eyes immediately when the other cupped his face with both of his hands.

"Why can't I even be mad at you?What have you done to me?",V asked as he held the other's face as if it was the most precious thing in this world.

"I'm s-so so-sorry,V. I re-really am!P-please!please forgive m-me!I w-will do any-thing yo-u want. Just don't ha-hate m-me",jungkook cried as he held the hands which were holding his face.

"Just love me,koo. I don't want anything other than that from you. I could never hate you in any situation,love. Please don't cry!",he said as he wiped the tears away from the other's face who couldn't help but cry evenmore.

"I re-really d-don't d-ese-rve you",he cried.

"You deserve everything in this world and I will make sure that it is that way till my last breath,koo. Don't think otherwise",V said as he kissed the little one's forehead who smiled softly at the gesture.

"I love you,V. I love you so much!",jungkook said as he hugged the other tightly who hugged back with the same intense as a wide smile spread across his face.

"I love you more,love",he whispered back as he felt tears flow through his eyes but this time,it was happy tears.


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