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"Kookie?",daniel called as he entered V's room,alarming his friend immediately.

"Nielie!Didn't I say that you're not allowed to come out of your bed for a week?Do you want me to scold you?",jungkook scolded as he rushed towards the other who was standing awkwardly with his crutches in his hands.

"I was worried, kookie. You were gone for more than an hour by now!What do you expect me to do?",daniel said as he allowed himself to be assisted towards the bed.

"Still!You must have not come here alone. What if you slipped and got hurt evenmore?",jungkook scolded as he crossed his arms above his chest.

"Alright alright. I'm sorry and will never walk alone. Now tell me what's wrong? Are you alone? Where is V hyung?",daniel asked and got confused when he saw his friend visibly becoming sad instantly.

"Nielie, I think that I messed up big time. V is really angry at me. He even shouted at me and walked away",jungkook pouted.

"What did you do to make him that angry, kookie? I mean,I've never seen him shouting at anyone. Atleast not at us. Even when we were trying to flatten his tyres,he was cool?",daniel asked,confused by the new information.

"I too don't know,nileie. Maybe he was in a foul mood and I must have made it even worser",jungkook said as he drew imaginary patterns on Daniel's wrapped up ankle

"Tell me what you did,kookie? Something in me tells that you were the reason for his foul mood in the first place.",daniel said and yelped when the other pinched him on his arms.

"The level of disrespect!"

"Just tell me,kookie~I'm trying to help you here",daniel said to which jungkook just sighed.

"Mmmm.....actually nielie, I really didn't do anything biggie. When he opened the door for me,like always, I became a blushing mess-

"Known fact",daniel said matter of factly to which jungkook just nodded his head slightly.

"As usual I couldn't mutter a single word without stuttering. With his each word,my nervousness increased in rocket speed",he said as he looked at daniel who smiled slightly.

"Let me guess, you started blabbering things. You always blabber things you're not supposed to when you're nervous, kookie.",daniel sighed.

"I can't help it,you know. Now no more interruptions or I'm telling suga that you have a human sized pillow with his face on it.",he warned and daniel was fast enough to zip his mouth.

"So,as soon as I saw him,I became a nervous mess and didn't allow myself to even make an eye contact with him. And when I said that I wanted to go out for an hour,he started getting ready to tag along,you know! He was lucky that I didn't die then and there out of shock. Or else he would be behind the bars right now but thanks to my strong heart which kept beating no matter what,he's out somewhere in this earth, roaming freely",jungkook said dramatically as he eyed daniel who was rolling his eyes continuously for a minute by now.

"My condition also includes rolling of your eyes,nielie. Mind it. So......where was I? Oh yeah! He started getting ready and as I was really desperate to stop him,I said the first thing that came in my mouth.-

"Asdghjk",daniel muttered with his mouth still closed,forcing the other to hear absolutely rubbish.

"Yellow card,nielie. One more interruption, then you're doomed! Mmmmmm..... You know what I said to him?I said him that I was going on a date with Daliet",he said and immediately got hit on his head.

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