"Seulgi-check!Finally!Our work with the bullies are over!",daniel said as he crossed seulgi's name on the paper he had.
"Good going, nielie!We're at right pace.Now its time to attack the causative agents.Let's go for V's and suga's cars",jungkook said as he raised himself from his crouching position and walked towards the area where BTS always parks their cars.
"Let's get it!",they two chirped as they walked towards those expensive cars of the said boys,with null knowledge of being watched.
"A or B,nielie?".
"Hmmm....A!",daniel replied and followed jungkook who was walking towards V's car.
"Fine,we'll start with V's",jungkook said as he crouched as he reached the car,but couldn't help but awe at the car.
"Woah!look at this car,nielie?",he asked as he examined the car ,still in his crouched position.
"Yeah, i know right!I've seen them only in tv advertisements,kookie. Woah~",daniel said as he touched the car which started beeping immediately.
"MY GOD,KOOKIE!!",he shouted and looked at jungkook who was just as shocked as him.
"Nielie!What do we do now!?Ok ok ok!Calm down!First of all,let me hurry up and flatten the tyres and then we'll run away from this place.We can deal with suga's by tomorrow, alright?",he said and crouched down immediately without even allowing daniel to reply.
"K-kookie?",he called out.
"Just a minute, nielie. Let me-
"That's not it,kookie. Just look at your back",he said as he was visibly shaking.
"It can wait, nielie-
"You're not understanding the situation, kookie. Just turn around",he said as he made jungkook to turn his face around and the scene he saw made his doe eyes to widen immediately while his insides made several flips effortlessly.There stood the BTS in all its glory with a smirk on their faces while V looked at him directly, making him to squirm on spot.
"What do you guys think you're doing?",he asked as the smirk never left his face.
"Oh!About that!",jungkook said as he looked at his friend who was literally shaking while eyeing suga who just walked beside him.
"Tell him,Scooby. Isn't he asking you a question?",suga asked as he stood near daniel who raised his head immediately as soon as he heard the nickname.
"Scooby?So does that mean, kookie is Shaggy?",daniel asked which made jungkook to snap his head at him.NO WAY!
"I would like to be Fred. Thank you so much",jungkook said as he crossed his arms as he looked pointedly at his friend who pouted.
"Are you guys for real?Just answer my damn question!What are you guys doing here near my car?",V asked once again as he looked sternly at jungkook who slightly felt intimidated by the other's strong gaze.
"Oh,here!Mm...nielie....nielie lost his engagement ring.So yeah!We're searching for that.Isn't it,nielie?",he asked and looked at daniel who was about to faint.

Romance"When did you promote yourself from being a badboy to a playboy, tae?",the shorter male asked with a smirk,irritating the bandana boy. "Argg!Trust me,hyung. I myself don't know what happened to me.Suddenly my legs walked by themselves to that boy an...