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"Did I do well,hyung?I did,right?",daniel asked as he smiled widely at suga who was mirroring the boy's action.Daniel just played the 3 bears song using his mouth organ with the help of suga and he was more than proud of himself.

"You did really well,Scooby. I'm so proud of you",suga said as he ruffled the boy's hair who started playing the song once again.

"Scooby?",he called ,making the boy to stop playing immediately.

"Why did you keep the mouth organ with you even if you didn't know how to play?",he asked and looked intently at the boy who gave him a small smile.

"This is the only thing I had as his remembrance,hyung. How could I throw it away? Moreover, i was planning to learn from him once I meet him one day",daniel said as he smiled widely.

"Hmm? You just met him only once and that too when you were little. I don't think that you could recognize him even if he appears before you?",suga asked as he raised his eyebrow at daniel who looked like a definition of determination at the moment.

"Trust me,suga. I can recognize him in a wink of an eye. I have his image registered in my mind deeply that I could manage to find him even if he's in a crowd",he said cockily and suga was trying his best to control his laughter.

"Are you trying to mock me?",he asked as soon as he saw the other who was trying his best to not laugh which made him to sulk immediately.

"One day i'll find him. Just you wait",he said as he crossed his arms against his chest which made suga to smile at his cuteness.

"Okok. Don't sulk. I was not laughing at you. You were just so cutely determined that made me to laugh. You'll for sure meet your yoonie one day,Scooby. Now smile for me~",he said as he stretched the other's lips with his hand slightly.

"What would you do when you meet your yoonie,Scooby?",he asked and smiled when the boy became excited in a matter of second.

"I would make him to stay with me forever!",he shouted excitedly.

"What if he forgot about you?"

"He would never!I even kissed him to seal our friendship!",daniel replied as he pinched the elder.

"Alright alright. He'll remember you just as you do.But what if he couldn't live with you?What if he has his job somewhere else and couldn't stay with you?",suga asked.

"Suga is full of negativity. I have to give you a lot of motivational speech and turn you into an example of positivity",he said more like to himself,making suga to roll his eyes.

"I was just stating some possibilities, you know. What would you do if something like that happens? Just think about that!",he asked ,slightly frustrated, slightly curious.

"Hmmm....i would take kookie with me and live with yoonie forever",he said after a few minutes of thinking, startling suga in process.

"But you said that you have a crush on me? So,you're saying that you'll leave me for your friend whom you met only once?",he asked with a 'hurtful' expression.

"No,suga. I didn't mean it like that. We'll be in a long distance relationship and i'll visit you more often",daniel said frantically and started crying once he saw the other crying in between his palms.

"S-ug-a hy-ung, do-n't c-ry",he cried as he hugged the elder who was surprised by the crying boy.

"Hey hey,Scooby. Don't cry. See ,i stopped crying",he said as he patted Daniel's back who was hiccuping by now.

"Scooby~Don't cry~",he pleaded.

"If you stop crying, I'll bring your yoonie to you. What do you say?",he tried to bribe which earned a bite on his shoulder.

"Ahhh!Scooby!Why did you bite me!?",he scolded as he gently rubbed the spot.

"You were trying to fool me!?",he shrugged in response as he wiped his tears away angrily.

"Fool you?I didn't-

"You don't even know who my yoonie is,but you said that you'll bring him to me? You can't fool me,suga hyung. I'm more cleverer than you think",he said as he threw a menacing look at the elder and walked away,leaving the dissapointed elder alone on the bed.

"Cleverer, my ass!I was about to say that i am the yoonie you were talking about,you dumbo!",he grumbled as he laid down with a loud groan.

A short chapter~ I was not planning to update today but something urged me to do atleast a short update. So bear with me just this once😊

And also,thank u for 500 followers😘😘

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