Chapter 3

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Previously on Forbidden Love

Naib's POV

Me Emily, Emma, and William. we got transporated to Leo's Memory. Let the games begin.


Jack's POV

As i was with Michiko, I felt like someone was eavesdropping on us so we both went inside. Before I entered I said "Oh Naib, I wish I can tell you how I feel."I entered the Manor's hunter side, I decided to go to my room before I get ready for my match, The thing with the manor is that we can hear things on the other side but they can't hear us so I hear "SHUT THE FUCK ALREADY." i amuse that was Naib and his "mom" I decided to wear my Golden Tentacle  skin and I went to the waiting lobby, I see Him, The doctor, the gardener and the forward enter and then when we were all ready we went to Leo's Memory. I went around the map to see who I can find and then I see The doctor, Gardener and Naib trying to decode a cipher. the gardener messed up and she ran which let Naib and the Doctor all alone. "What should I do Emily? I really need help to ask hi-" "It's ok dear let mom give you the basics of LOVE." "Emily" went on a little life lesson for Naib and she was right. she was his mom. kinda like me and Michiko. When they were done talking he hugged her and that made my heart stop for a sec and then they finished the cipher and went to the next one. That was interesting.

I went and I terror shocked the Forward because his brawn is no match for my brain. i tied him and he yelled "FOCUS ON DECODING"  and just like that no one came and he stayed there struggling and then his time was up and he was sent back to the manor 1 down 3 to go. I approached the gardener and she let out the biggest yell/scream I had ever heard because when I hit her, I managed to get her to be quiet and i did the same thing, hit her again so she was down and then Her timer was going up pretty quick and sooner or later, there were only 2 left. I used listen and i saw them decoding a cipher and then I realized that this was the last cipher so i went bye and stayed at the exit gate, when they finished, they went to the exit gate and then Naib said "I haven't seen the hunter at all this round" this gave the opportunity to scare him and that I did, I turned invisible and went behind Naib and I picked him up and he got so scared that he managed to shake free and stun me. when he turned around and when he saw me, he was both relieved and angry and I can see that he was blushing while facing down. Oh boy here we go.

Naib's POV

Emily and I were walking towards the exit gate and she was imputing the password while the hunter was no where to be seen and I made that remark " I haven't seen the hunter at all this round" and then Emily was surprised about hearing that fact. All of a sudden I feel a presence watching and then I was picked up and I got hella scared and when I broke free, I also stunned the hunter and when he finally showed, I got to see him again. I was both relieved and angry and I couldn't help but blush because he picked me up. Emily saw all this and she was like "your secret is safe with me. Either that or they all find out." I gave her a a relieved and angry expression and then I just talked to him the rest of the time. "H-how have y-you be-been J-Jack." I managed to say while stuttering in the process. "I've been good my little Naib~ how have you been?" He told me in a soothing voice but is was more seductive in his voice but i found that soothing. "G-good, I see you managed to get William and Emma correct?" I asked bluntly."Yes, not to be rude but they were both slow." he said bluntly. Emily was just being the mom she is and standing a good distance but also giving me signals to talk about something." well why don't you come to the hunter side of the manor, I would greatly enjoy if you did." This man is basically asking me out, "S-sure Jack I w-would love too." "Great go to the garden at the stroke of midnight." Um weird but ok he process to take his mask off again and he go to my height an kissed my cheek and that made me almost faint but it did make me blush a lot

"I'll see you later my little Nab.~" He said and walked by. Emily and I escaped and we were both talking about him until we reached the manor, I hope we don't cause trouble. I entered to see William and Emma waiting by and they saw us and ran towards us and they hugged us. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK" they both say in unison. Emily and I  looked at each other, we both assured them both that it was just us talking at the exit gate, wanting to taunt the killer. the both of us went to the dinning room an and both ate what ever was left. and soon after we went to my room and talked about my problem."Naib, honey you have to tell him sooner or later because if you don't, then it will haunt you. "I know I know it's just, I'm afraid of two things..." "What are these 2 things that you're afraid of?" "1) I'm afraid of them finding out and if i do tell him I'm afraid of him rejecting  me. and 2) I don't even know what to say to him when I do plan to confess my feelings towards him." "Those are just Irrational fears, over here the others won't say anything, I promise. and another thing, so what if he doesn't reciprocate his feelings, that just meant that he's not good for you." " you're right thank you mom." no problem honey, anything for you." she then excused herself out of my room and she went to her own.

A.N: If you are wondering, Jack and Michiko were have the same conversation in his room.

Jack's POV

"Jack, honey you have to tell him sooner or later because if you don't, then it will haunt you. "I know I know it's just, I'm afraid of two things..." "What are these 2 things that you're afraid of?" "1) I'm afraid of them finding out and if i do tell him I'm afraid of him rejecting me. and 2) I don't even know what to say to him when I do plan to confess my feelings towards him." "Those are just Irrational fears, over here the others won't say anything, I promise. and another thing, so what if he doesn't reciprocate his feelings, that just meant that he's not good for you." " you're right thank you mom." no problem honey, anything for you." she then excused herself out of my room and she went to her own. well then I have to get ready for a date.

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