Chapter 20

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Previously on Forbidden Love

Jack's POV

"Naib, Please forgive me" I chocked out as he was was sobbing out "I forgive you Jack" so many times and I held him close to my chest, "When I saw your letter, I felt so bad that you were always doing things for me so I wanted to do something for you. I was so mad that we had to keep our relationship a secret that I bottled up that anger and I let it out on you. I realized what I did and I felt so much regret because of the pain I cause you-" "Jack" I looked and I see Naib smiling " It's ok, we were both in the wrong." and he hugged he kissed me. "I'll wait for you when the time comes, but for now, we need to plan when we decide to come out to the others." and he got up and stuck his hand out to help me up, "Come on, let go back together."


Naib's POV

I walked around the manor with an invisible jack, holding Jack's hand and smiling like an idiot. I looked at the other survivors and I see different reactions, and some of them were funny to Naib in his opinion. He then went into his room and he sat in his bed, "Well then, what would like to do love?" I asked to Jack who was above me, "You, if possible" and he bit my neck and pushed me down on my bed, "J-Jack!" and I groaned when I had heard knocking, "Give me a sec!" and I looked at Jack and I kissed him on the lips, "Hopefully we can do it when no one bothers us~" he said and I blushed. I looked at the peep hole and I saw Emily and Martha standing there "It's Martha." and he turned invisible. I sighed and I opened my door and I smiled "Hey guys, what's up?" and I let them in, "Naib, we need to talk." Martha said and I nodded "Ok, How can I help?" they looked at each other and they nodded, "Are you dating someone?" and my heart froze, 'Oh crap, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do' "Uh, I um..." and I looked away "Answer the question" and I sighed "Yes." and she looked at me stunned, "W-who?" and I looked where Jack was standing and I nodded my head, "That would be me~"and he appeared right behind me, picking me up and holding me like a bride. Martha got up and held her gun towards Jack "What are you doing here" "Aw~ Can't I come and visit my love?" and she looked at me "Let go of Naib" "M-Martha, calm down" Emily said while putting her hands up "Why should I believe you, you can be lying for I I know" "Martha, I'm not lying, Ask Emily" and she looked at her "Well?" " Naib you so owe me for this, Yes. Naib is dating Jack. you can ask Aesop, Norton, and Eli." and Martha looked at me in shock "S-so you're telling the truth?" and I heard her voice, she sounded heartbroken. I nodded my head and she put her gun down, "W-why" and she bolted out of the room crying "what is it now" "Martha had a crush on you Naib" Emily said and I looked at her "R-really?!" and she nodded her head, "when you knocked out the hunters to go and torture them, Vera Jose and I went to go cook and Vera stopped right in front of me. I asked what's wrong and that's when she asked me if you were dating anyone, I lied and said no and she told me that Martha liked you" and I stared in shock "my best friend had a crush on me." and I looked at jack, He was just as surprised when Emily said that. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone scream, I jumped out of Jacks arms and Emily and I ran to the scream. I looked and I see Vera being a fangirl and i just sighed "Vera, when did you scream like that?" and she couldn't answer "Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God" was all she said and Emily chimed in "What did you scream about?" and she just pointed to Jose's Door "What's in there?" and she couldn't speak and she just passed out. "Oh my god" and I turned to see Jack looking through the key hole. "you might want to look at this" and I looked and I see Jose and Kevin...dancing in the sheets "Ah, makes more sense now" and I just walked away "what do you mean 'makes more sense'?" "You're tell me that you never seen Kevin eyeing Jose?" and she pondered about it "you're right, also Jose has been getting closer to Kevin not that I think about it." and we just sighed "well come on, We need to gather everyone at the Entrance Hall so we can tell them the news" and Emily left me, "Jack can you go and get the hunters please and tell Hastur,Joseph, and Luchino that they're doing the same thing that we're doing." and he nodded "thank you, I go find Norton, Aesop, and Eli and tell them what happened." and we went our separate ways "Norton, Aesop, Eli, I need your help!" I yelled and they came "What's up Naib?" and I pulled them to my room, "So Martha found out that I'm dating Jack" and they all stared in shock. "Let me guess, you want us to come forward too, don't you?" Norton said and I nodded my head "Well then why didn't you say so! I've been wanting to say something so badly but I couldn't" and they all nodded. "Great, Now help me get the others and tell them to go to the Entrance Hall." and we left to go and get everyone

Jack's POV

"What happened?" Hastur asked, drawing out the 'what', "The coordinator found out that Naib and I are together and now it's time the cat comes out the bag." and he sighed "I've been wanting to come out for a while but not so soon." but he just nodded his head "Great! Guys?" and I looked at the others and they also nodded their heads "Good, glad we're all on the same page, now help me get the others to the Entrance Hall. Who's going to get the boomer" "I'M NOT A BOOMER" *Snickers* and we left and I got Michiko and Violetta, and Mary. Joseph got Ann, BonBon, and Yidhra. Luchino got Bane, Leo and Joker. and Hastur got Robbie, Wu Chang, and Burke, "Damn, you got the boomer" "I'M NOT A BOOMER" and Hastur just sighs, "come one let's just get this over with." We arrived at the Entrance Hall and we see the others (Beside the Doctor) start to panic, "What is the meaning of this, I demand you explain what is happening." The Lawyer yelled at Naib and the others "control yourself's" and I said and Hastur, Joseph and Luchino backed down, "The hunters also have to hear this, Now lets all get along" Naib said and smiled devilishly at the other survivors. They tensed up and shut up at the same time, "All right now that everyone's here, Good evening everyone" 

No one's POV

There was this awkward aura around between the hunters and the survivors, "All right now that everyone's here, Good evening everyone" Naib said and some responded back, "As you all know, Miss Nightingale said that we are allowed to date each other, including the hunters, however; she advised we don't date the hunters because of the game. That what this whole meeting is, a coming out meeting." and all the survivors and hunters had a surprised look on their face. "Who's coming out?" Dream witch asked "That is excellent question Yidhra" and she looked at me shocked "How do you know my name" "Oh, please, I know all your names" and she looked shocked "But to answer your question, It'll be us and Jose" and the hunters looked at Aesop, Eli, Norton, And Naib, while the other group looked at Jose "Whoa, whoa, whoa. what do you mean me." "Please, I'm pretty sure that you heard Vera scream earlier in the day didn't you?" and he pondered before nodding his head "that because she saw you and whoever you were with dancing in the sheets" and everyone gasped. Jose looked away and blushed and got up. "Is there anyone else that would like to come out to whoever they like or if you're dating anyone?" and everyone stayed silent before Emma Woods, Kreacher Pierson, William Ellis, Fiona Gilman, Helena Adams, Vera Nair, and many others have gotten up. Emma went to Emily, Kreacher went to Servais, William went to Joker, Fiona to Patrica, Helena went to Michiko, and Vera went to Martha. and the others went to the others

(Sorry but Author Chan is to lazy to write up every ship)

And now it was time for the big reveal,while the others were going to each other, the original five went to their partner. some were looking in shock, and some sighed and said Finally. "Now that we're all together, lets all try to get along now." Naib said and everyone was agreeing to what Naib said. "Aw, this is so cute" and everyone turned their heads and they saw Miss. Nightingale

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