Chapter 19

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Previously on Forbidden Love

Naib's POV

I just sat there, crying and I saw my door open to see A crying Jack exit and go back to the hunter side. I entered and I see a bag full of stuff and I also see a know

Dear Naib

I still love you a lot <!--3.

So, from the day you talked to me! My heart is screaming to make you somehow come into my life again. I stay depressed at night, waiting for you to talk to me again and my chest aches badly.
I have a very very very weak heart I must say and its really painful.But for what you did, I know it somewhere the things will never be the same.So, I have finally come to a conclusion.It's just THE REASON's for which you left me, they have just hurt me badly.See, failures are a part of life and you left me when i was down on my knees and needed you the MOST !!! What do you think?I won't encounter any failure once I become successful?Well, I will! And I needed someone who stands beside me at that time.But you left...LEAVING ME STRANDED, giving me one more reason to be sad about.And the second reason for which you left is just stuck with me, I cannot do anything about it since I cannot change my cast. Naib, don't blame yourself, you did nothing wrong, it simply shows that you didn't have the feelings for me...And in the absence of mutual feelings, I might have done the same...Who cares about a failure right?I just swear to god that, if just YOU have put faith in me, I would have fought the world for you and would have dealt with ANY failure just to give you the life you deserve......!! I would have truly tried to give every possible happiness of this world.I would have truly tried to make you happy with me.I would have truly loved you enough that no other man has ever loved .I still love you a lot but I will be having to let those feelings fade away with time....(my heart aches while writing this.....and I don't even know if you will care enough to read this )And thus I think you were right, "we have no future"But, you taught me what LOVE is, I had never experienced it before you.and after you, the very idea of love has been dried up dead inside me...And, I don't know if I am ever going to love or trust a man again. I wish you all the best for that. And, I also wish that you find someone who loves you as much as I would have. Sorry again for this big message, I write a lot when sad (you know)! I tried to make it as short as possible. All the best for your future, and don't feel any bad because,YOU HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING WRONG.You simply didn't have the same feelings! &, I loved you enough to let you go.

With this, I bid you adieu!

Your's Loving,


Naib's POV

I just read the letter over and over in my head, I was just in utter shock that I had caused him this much pain and I just went to my knees and I cried my life out. I was gasping for air that I chocked on my sobs for a little bit. I turned to see some of my skins and accessories, "JACK, I'M SO SO SORRY." I yelled and I held those close to me. 'this is my last memory of him doing something for me.' and I cried the rest of the day, Emily came to check on me but I locked my door so I isolated myself from everyone. I just cried and cried and cried, thinking about that letter and I holding the skins close to me. "Jack" and I just went back to my bed, I pinched myself everyday, hoping that this was just a nightmare but alas,I never woke up next to jack. Just by myself in my lonely room and in my lonely bed *knock Knock* "what" I said weakly, "Naib it's Emily, you have to open this door now!" "why" "because it's not healthy to be locked up in your room" and I just ignored her and stayed there and soon enough, I heard her leave and I exited my room and I went to the Garden "Naib, I'm so so sorry, I know you'll never forgive me but if you do, please come back to me in my arms again" I heard Jack sobbing and That made me cry, "Jack" i whispered and I waited at the door and I opened and I see him crying on the floor.

Jack's POV

I was in my room, laying on my bed with nothing to feel, "So this is a true heart break huh" and I just stared at my desk and I saw the wedding planer. "I might as well finish this and place it somewhere." and I got back up and I started to finished this plan. I put it away and I went back to my bed and I started to cry and I had a full breakdown, "Why. why. why. why. why. why." and I just started to throw things across the room. I made a mess and I didn't want to pick it up because I'll just throw it again. i went to my bed and I heard a knock "What" "Jack, you need to come outside right now" "Why" "because it's not healthy" "Whatever" and I ignored whoever was at the door. I soon fell asleep 

Jack's dream

I was just sitting in my room, then everything turned to darkness as I see Naib just sitting there crying "NAIB" I yelled out but he didn't hear me I ran to him and try to give him a hug but I phased through him. "No, no, no, no, no, no, NOOOOOO" I yelled and I was just sitting there, my heart breaking by the second and I was engulfed in the the darkness


I screamed while falling down off my bed and I just cried. I didn't want to feel this anymore and I just wanted to be together with Naib again. I got up and I walked to my door and I see a worried Michiko standing at my door "Jack! Oh thank goodness you're alright" "Mostly alright" I mumbled "Jack, tell me what's wrong please." she plead and I just looked away and I walked away "Jack! Come back!" she yelled and I just continued walking to the garden. I just sat there looking at the roses that were planted there, then I had a memory when Naib brought me a bouquet of roses and he was happy, smiling, and brighter then the sun "Agh, No. Get out of my head" I said as I gripped my head and I went to my knees. Soon, more memories came flooding back to when Naib was always smiling, Blushing, flustered and other emotions. I screamed out in pain and I was just sobbing on the floor "Naib, I'm so so sorry, I know you'll never forgive me but if you do, please come back to me in my arms again" and I continued to cry. I heard the Garden door open but I didn't bother to look up until I recognized some pair of boots. I looked and I see Naib with his eyes all red and puffy from crying, can't blame him, and he went to his knees and he cried in my chest "Naib, Please forgive me" I chocked out as he was was sobbing out "I forgive you Jack" so many times and I held him close to my chest, "When I saw your letter, I felt so bad that you were always doing things for me so I wanted to do something for you. I was so mad that we had to keep our relationship a secret that I bottled up that anger and I let it out on you. I realized what I did and I felt so much regret because of the pain I cause you-" "Jack" I looked and I see Naib smiling " It's ok, we were both in the wrong." and he hugged he kissed me. "I'll wait for you when the time comes, but for now, we need to plan when we decide to come out to the others." and he got up and stuck his hand out to help me up, "Come on, let go back together."

(A.N.:Sorry that this chapter is a little shorter then the others but I promises you that I have a surprise at the end of this book)

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