Chapter 16

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Previously on Forbidden Love

Norton's POV

The six of us went back to the dining room and everything was trashed. "We should go, Emily get over here. Quick!" Aesop said and she booked it over here. "Oh my, what happened" Eli asked and Emily said "No time to explain, we must leave, NOW" and we all went to the garden where the door was repaired and we heard a faint but loud "STOP" and I said "are they going to live later?" and they just shrugged their shoulders. "Great let's see what's happening on the hunter's side."Eli said and we walked over there.


Emily's POV

When Naib took Jack and the others do "dispose" of the bodies of Leo, Wu Chang, Evil Reptilian, and Smiley Face. everyone was getting antsy. soon enough Vera had the brilliant idea to try to cook "If Naib isn't going to be back for a while, why don't we cook for our self's?" and everyone was agreeing to her, 'it shouldn't be that bad, right?' I got up and asked a question "Does anyone else know how to cook besides Naib?" and only one raised their hand 'he knows how to cook?!' "U-um lets just stick to a simple recipe. Pancakes anyone?" and they all nodded their heads yes, Jose, Vera and I went to the kitchen to get everything ready and she stopped dead in her tracks while Jose continued forward  "Vera, what's wrong" "Is Naib dating anyone?" 'Um what' "No, I don't think so, why?" she turned and looked at me before looking both ways and saying "Martha has a crush on Naib" and my eyes widen, "N-no way." she smiled and we continued to the Kitchen. when we entered, there was a recipe book and a note on the counter, I went to it and it was written by Naib

To whoever found this note,

Please note that this recipe book is to be used by beginner or for people that don't know how to cook,  Emily, if you're reading this, make sure that nothing goes wrong when cooking because this may effect you're stomach, so make it exactly how the recipe says how to make it. also when you are going to cook, decide on the recipe and say it out loud then look in the pantry

I looked at Vera and and she was looking in the pantry and she saw that there was nothing in the pantry, "How are we supposed to cook if their no ingredients?" I stopped and I moved her back and closed the door "Pancakes" and I opened and there was stuff in the pantry, "How did you do that" "it doesn't matter, we just need to cook before they resort to cannibalism." and we got started an the Pancake recipe and we stuck to the recipe and we brought everything out. "Ok everyone, we have something to eat for now" and everyone was trashing everything. "Oh no" and me, Jose and Vera ran to find cover. "Emily, what do we do!?" "I-I-I don't know, we have to wait for the others to come back."and as if on cue, Naib, Jack, Aesop, Eli, Norton, and Luchino walk in and Naib was fuming with rage "We should go, Emily get over here. Quick!" Aesop said and I booked it over here. "Oh my, what happened" Eli asked and I said "No time to explain, we must leave, NOW" and we all went to the garden where the door was repaired and we heard a faint but loud "STOP" and Norton said "are they going to live later?" and they just shrugged their shoulders. "Great let's see what's happening on the hunter's side."Eli said and we walked over there. "So, I'm going to assume that Norton is dating Luchino, am I right?" And he looked down and blushed "I'm correct then" and we walked closer to the other side. Aesop and Eli were looking for Hastur and Joseph and everyone went their separate ways. "Oh, Hello there Ms. Dyer. How have you been?" and I turned and I see Michiko, "Hello there Michiko, I have been good, How have you been?" "I've been better, do you want to explain why you're here?" and I told her what happened so far, "I see, turns out that Jack's lover can act out if anything happened" and I nodded my head in agreement

Michiko's POV

I was talking to Emily when she entered first entered this side, I brought out some tea and pored some in two cups and walked back to Emily, I gave her a cup of tea and we just sat there, talking to each other and then there was a loud BOOM where our kitchen is. Emily and I ran over there to see the other survivors and the kitchen covered in smoke "What happened?!" Emily yelled with panic in her voice "We were trying to make something for ourselves since we didn't get to eat, but you can guess what's happening." and I sighed "what would you like to eat?" "Pancakes!" they yelled and I giggled, "Miss.Dyer, can you help me with the pancaked please?" and she nodded her head "now, you five go and wash up and we'll make that cakes, ok?" and they nodded their heads and they ran to the bathroom. "pancakes" and I opened the pantry and gathered the stuff and put them on the counter, "You know how to make pancakes Miss.Dyer?" "Please, call me Emily, and to answer your, question, I kinda know how to." and I giggled, "here, let me teach you" and I was teaching Emily the basics, and soon enough, there were stacks of fluffy pancakes on the table "Boys, come eat!" and the five ran down to the table. Emily and I laughed and  we drank some tea.

I looked at the garden door to see a exhausted Naib enter and fall on the floor, Emily ran up to him and checked for anything that could've made pass out. "I didn't see anything that made him pass out, however I noticed two things. One, when I touched his forehead, his temperature's is very high so he'll need some rest, and two, Jack did you bite him?" and we all looked at Jack, "well I- Uh, Trick question?" he said and raised his hands and shoulders "I figured because he is wearing make up and he's sweating so it's starting to rub off." Emily explained and I looked at Jack and he was sweating bullets "You. Did. WHAT." I yelled and I transformed "Ahhh, Please don't huts me" "Michiko, it's fine" I turned and i see Naib awake, "I was the one that teased him, so it's my fault" and I looked at Jack and he went to go and try to hug Naib but I grabbed him on the back of his shirt "Jack, if you ever do that and you end up hurting him, you will be no more" "Don't worry Michiko, I know how to handle Jack." and Naib got up but he fell to his knees, "Naib, what are you doing, you need to rest." Emily said and she put his are around her head, "come one, I'll take you to the living room and I'll monitor your health."

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