6: Accidental Pianist

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She was so happy that tonight she could take a rest. She was now opening the door to her apartment when her phone rang.


"Hey Ash! SOS, we need help!"

"Huh?! What happened?"

"Rachel's got an emergency and she couldn't play the piano! Her mom was rushed to the hospital. We need a pianist! Can you please back up for her?"

"Why me? But.."

"Ash please! It's only you and Rachel who have rehearsed with us. Please!" She could hear desperation on the other line.

She took a deep breath, "Ok, send me the address and I'll be on my way."

"Thanks Ash, you're doing us a great favor. Thank you so much! This means so much to us!"

Chris was waiting for her at the entrance of the venue. "Ash! Quick, we can still do a mini rehearsal!" She didn't have time to look around the concert venue as Chris was already pulling her hand leading her to their holding area.

Chris and Rachel, a few years younger than her are both passionate musicians. She could see herself and well, her 'music partner' before in them. How could she not support such beautiful and passionate people? They had this dream of making it big in the music scene and now is their chance. This is their very first front act to an international tour and she understands that this is a big break for them.

Tonight, Chris will be performing two songs, an original song and Everglow by Coldplay. Talk about coincidences, Chris and Rachel love Coldplay whose vocalist is also named as Chris. Well, she also loves Coldplay. Suddenly, she again remembered her 'music partner' who introduced her to this amazing band.


At the holding area, Chris can't keep still. She was amusely smiling at Chris. She can see that he is excited at the same time nervous.

"You gotta chill man!"

"How can I chill? This is my first time performing in a venue with lots of people. This is my freaking first time!" He said both arms raised in the air.

"You know what, you just have to shrug those jitters, it won't do you any good."

She demonstrated what she and her 'music partner' usually do when both of them get jitters before any performance. You just have to tap away the jitters on your left shoulder using your right hand, tap, tap, and do the same with your right shoulder using your left hand."

"Oh that's cool! I think I gotta do that when I get on that stage," Chris uttered feeling a little bit relaxed now.

"You sure can! That's mah man!" And she messed Chris' hair.

"C'mon Ash! I'm not a little boy!" He protested.

"Ayiee, ayiee!" She said while laughing at Chris' reaction.

She can't deny that she also misses the crowd. It has been more than two years since she was on hiatus. She admits she's also feeling some jitters but she just tapped it off like they always do. Tonight is also a dream come true for her. She'll be performing, well, not as a singer but she'll be playing her favorite instrument - the piano. It took her just a few months to learn how to play the piano by ear and by reading notes. It was a talent that she has discovered and developed because of her music program.

"You ready man? I think you need a hug. Come give me a hug baby boy!" She was still teasing Chris trying to get him to relax.

"Stop teasing Ash! This is it! This is the moment!" He took a deep breath and opened the door of their holding area.

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