Chapter 2: The Mermaid Lagoon

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I was walking somewhere. I finally stopped at a door. I twisted the doorknob and opened it, walking into a room that was seemingly meant for me.

Looking around the room, I noticed a desk in front of me and a book laying on top of it. Walking towards the desk, I swiped the book off the desk, looking it over in my hands. I don't know why, but the next thing I knew, I was wearing a long, red cape.

Or so I'll just call it that, and that was when I noticed I was taller.

My right eye seemed to be covered in something. It was like I could only see things out of my left eye.

Everything seemed so real, but it also didn't.

I walked out of the room and made my way back to the door. When I stepped through the door, I stepped into total darkness.

I didn't know where I was. As I walked into a completely black void, I stopped walking as I peered into nothing.

"That dream is gone."

My voice sounded different.

"That dream was never meant to be. This is who I was meant to be."

I raised my right hand up as I snapped my fingers.

"I guess this was simply inevitable."

I woke up immediately. So it was all a dream, but what did it mean?

My surroundings were different than my usual room. I was looking at the sky in front of me.

"So I guess what happened last night wasn't a dream after all..." I thought as I sat up.

When I looked around, I noticed that clouds surrounded me. I wasn't flying, though, so just what was I sitting on? Looking down, I could see that I was sitting on a cloud.

" this actually possible?" I said as I bounced a little, and the cloud moved with me.

"Cool!" I said as I stood up, staring down at the cloud, mesmerized by it.

"You're right about that! Now whaddaya wanna do?" The somewhat familiar voice of Rin said as she seemingly appeared out of nowhere and popped up on my right shoulder.

I almost flinched until I remembered that she was the one who brought me here. I turned around and walked towards the end of the cloud.

I bent down on the cloud and looked down at the various sections of Neverland.

I noticed Captain Hook's ship in one section of Neverland. It was a very open section, filled with water all around it and the ship just in the middle of it.

"Let's go fight Captain Hook!" I said as I stood up on the cloud. Rin flew in front of me as she waved her hands with what appeared to be an uncomfortable look on her face.

"No, Len, not yet!"

"Why not?"

"Because you just got here!"

She was right about that. This was my first day here and I guess it wouldn't be fun to fight the bad guy on my very first day here.

"So what's that place?" I asked as I pointed to another watery section, but with a few rocks and a waterfall.

"That's Mermaid Lagoon!" Rin said, and then pointed at something on the left side of it.

"And that there is where the indians are!"

"I see! So what about the lost boys?" I asked.

"Oh! They're here, don't worry! They hang out in their little treehouse. That's where you'll live here now." Rin explained.

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