Chapter 4: Camping with Indians

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When I woke up the next morning, it was to the sun shining through my small window.

Rin flew right between my eyes, but backed up far enough that I could still see her.

"Get up, sleepyhead! We're visiting the Indians today!" She said.

"The Indians..." I murmured as I yawned and sat up in bed.

"I haven't met them yet, have I?" I asked.

"Nope!" Rin said as she sat on my shoulder.

"Well, let's get going. I'm already dressed." I said, getting up from my bed. I started walking out of my room.

"Right behind you, Len!" Rin said as she flew behind me.

When we got outside, I shut the door behind me. Rin was flying high above me, so I guessed that she wanted me to fly as well.

So I did.

Launching myself off the ground, I flew next to Rin and followed her as she flew ahead of me. She took me towards the right side of Neverland, pointed to what looked like a tipi tent, and flew down towards it.

And there were a few more scattered about, too.

In case if you don't know what a tipi is, it's a tent that's usually made from animal tents. They can be big for a family, but I wouldn't say comfortable enough to live in.

It depends, really.

When I landed, I followed Rin to the tipi that was towards the back of the area. When she stopped, I stopped walking and stood next to her.


After Rin yelled at the tipi tent, a girl came out shortly after. She had short brown hair, red eyes, and an orange and white feather towards the right side of her head.

She wore a red midriff, a short red skirt-but not too short-brown boots that stopped below her knees, what looked like a fiery red tattoo on her right arm, and black arm pads on her forearms.

She also had a quiver on her back with arrows in it.

"Well, there's no need for an introduction from me since Rin just yelled my name. But what's yours, Peter?" She asked.

"I'm Len." I said.

"Well now that that's over with..." Rin started as she flew high into the air between us, "HEY EVERYONE!"

You'd think that such a tiny creature wouldn't be able to scream so loud, but Rin always proved me wrong on that.

A few Indians came out of their tents and looked at us.

"WE'RE GOING ON A CAMPING TRIP TODAY!" Rin yelled as she pumped her fist into the air.

Everyone cheered and MEIKO slung her arm around my shoulders.

"Hey Len, watch this!" She said as she spun me around. She took her arms off my shoulders, put her thumb and index finger into her mouth, and whistled.

A large booming noise was heard. When it ran towards us, I almost ran away from it until it stopped in front of MEIKO.

A large tiger was standing in front of her.

"This is my tiger! He's basically my transportation but also my friend. See?" MEIKO said as she rubbed the side of the tiger's head.

I swore it purred.

She managed to get on top of the tiger. Once she was on it, I walked over to the tiger and looked up at her.

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