Chapter 3: The Lost Boys

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"Len! Let's watch that movie." My Dad said as he walked into my bedroom.

"Too late, Dad. I'm growing up now." I said, looking at him from on my bed. I sounded different.

But it all changed.

I was engulfed by a gray void and my Dad changed into a red, cloaked figure, that disappeared as soon as I saw it and seemed to get attached to me.

It seemed like I was in control now. I was this strange figure.

I began walking through the black void. An orange portal appeared in front of me. I was able to see through it. I saw sunny skies.

But once I walked through it, that portal closed and I was standing on....something.

No, not something.


When I looked around me, I noticed sunny skies.

That was when I realized that I was on a boat.

I walked over to the side of it and peered down, only to see water.

Yup. Definitely a boat.

But where was I...? It looked oddly familiar.

At that moment, everything faded to black. I scratched my head as I wondered what happened.

I began walking behind me, but once I did, it was completely black.

The void. I was in that dark, dark void again.

"What's going on?" I asked as I looked into nothing but darkness.

"Don't you understand?" Said a booming voice that sounded vaguely familiar, but a voice that I couldn't put my finger on.

A man's voice.

"This is supposed to happen. You can't avoid fate." I said.

"Fate? Is that even real?" I asked as I frowned.

"Some say it is, but others say it isn't. Who knows? All I can tell you is that this is you. This is who you're supposed to be." The mysterious voice said.

That was when I noticed a figure dressed all in blue in front of me. It looked like it belonged to a man.

"It's you, isn't it?" I asked.

The figure didn't turn around but I could see the slight movement of the head from where I was standing. A nod.

"Yes it is." The figure said. The booming voice came from him, and while it wasn't booming anymore, it was still loud enough for me to hear. 

"So who are you? What do all these dreams mean?" I asked as I walked towards the figure.

"You'll find out and you'll see soon."

"Do I even know you?" I asked.

The figure began to disappear.

"Yes. Yes you do." He said.

"So who are you then?" I asked, curling my fingers and then my hands into fists in frustration.

"You already asked that, but don't worry. You'll see." He said, and then disappeared completely.

That's right; I did already ask him who he was. Why did I say it twice? Maybe I just forgot.

I maybe I did it to confirm something.

I looked around as I found myself alone in the void.

"This is all so strange..."

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