Chapter 14: The Final Plan

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Rin's POV
"Mikuo, does that sound like a plan?" I asked.

"I'm fine with it. This Len guy sounds like a bad dude." He said.

I looked at MEIKO and nodded.

"I'll make sure to remember the plan. See you later!" I said as I flew into the air.

"WAIT!" MEIKO shouted from below.

"What?" I asked.

"You'll make sure to remember it, right?" MEIKO asked.

I nodded.

"Yes. I really will try to remember it, MEIKO." I said.

MEIKO looked like she let out a sigh of relief. I started flying in the air again.

Once I was in the sky, I looked to my side to see if Mikuo was with me, but he wasn't. I looked down and saw him squatting.

Then, with a fist out, he jumped into the air and and was soon beside me.

"Nice takeoff." I said.


We flew around Neverland. After a few minutes, Mikuo looked down and noticed a ship beneath us.

It was the Jolly Roger. It was in its usual place in Neverland.

I thought I saw a teal headed girl on the ship talking to what looked like Piko. It had to be Miku.

"Is that Len's ship?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.

Mikuo started flying towards it. While I was following him, I noticed the three remaining lost boys on land and the mermaids next to the ship in the water below, but to the ship's left side.

I nodded. I knew the plan was going to be enacted really soon.

Oh. I also forgot to mention that MEIKO was next to the lost boys. 

Probably to make sure they were going to do their part of the plan.

I grinned to myself and nodded as I replayed the plan through my mind.

Yup. I was definitely going to do my part.

Except I didn't have a part, so I guess I'd just watch from afar and make sure things were going according to plan.

I began to fly around the ship to see what or when the plan might happen.

While flying around the ship, I noticed Miku on the deck. She looked confused. I flew down next to her.

"Remember me?" I asked.

"Yes. You're the pixie who led me here." She said.

I nodded and pointed to Mikuo, who was floating above the ship in the sky.

"I made sure he came here like I promised." I said.

Miku smiled and clapped.

"So I see! Thank you, little pixie!"

"'s Rin." I said.

"Right. Rin." She said as she nodded and looked back up at the sky.

I flew away from her and back into the sky. I flew down next to MEIKO.

"What about now? Does the plan start now?" I asked.

MEIKO, eyebrows furrowed, looked at me and nodded.

"Yes. The plan starts right now. Go alert the mermaids." She said.

"I will! Alright, let's do this!" I said as I flew away. I flew towards the mermaids.

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