Chapter 8: A Significant Change

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As soon as I read those words, it was like something in me changed.

It seemed like I had grown taller and that my appearance had changed significantly seeing those words.

"So I guess I finally figured out the meaning of those dreams...." I muttered.

Who knew?

Okay, I guess it was getting increasingly obvious.

When I looked over, I saw a long, red coat that looked similar to what the previous captain had been wearing, and a black pirate hat with it.

I discarded my boots and my hat. I replaced my brown trousers with black pants and my green tunic and white undershirt with a long sleeved shirt that also happened to be white.

Except the shirt had some ruffles on it near the neck. In other words, it was a lot like the previous Captain Hook's shirt.

I also noticed that my ponytail was longer and had now fallen in the middle of my head, but I didn't mind.

I switched my former shoes for longer blue boots. After sliding the new boots on, I began to silently reread the words of the book again, or at least the first page.

"If you're reading this, have you become the new Captain Hook?

The pixie is tricking you. She finds someone who wants to be a kid forever and brings that kid to Neverland.
It doesn't matter if that child is a boy or girl. That child will be the new Peter Pan."

That was what happened to me. Me becoming an adult was because of those simple words of Rin tricking me. I read on.

"The new Peter Pan eventually becomes bored, which in turn will lead to the new Captain Hook. As for the old Peter Pans, isn't it obvious already? The old Peter Pans become the new Captain Hook sometime when reading this. Again, it doesn't matter if the former Peter Pan was a boy or girl."

So was Rin my enemy this entire time?

"And then the cycle repeats. A child is brung here, eventually defeats the Captain Hook, and then eventually takes our role. And yes, I mean our."

But what about Rin? Oh, wait, there's more...

"You see, Rin, the pixie, is the one who's truly behind this. Rin created Neverland because she too was once a child who never wanted to grow up. She was never normal, either, and part of her never wanting to grow up was because of all the shunning she received. So she created Neverland as a way to get away from it all. She made herself become Tinkerbell." Were the words on the next page.

Bullying can cause massive damage to someone, so I guess I get where Rin's coming from.

"However, Rin became bored in Neverland quickly. So she created the Indians, the mermaids, and even the pirates. But there was one thing that was missing: 

A Captain Hook and Peter Pan."

I flipped to the next page.

"That is why Rin does what she does. At first, Rin decided to find a Captain Hook, so Rin managed to convince a horrible adult to come with her to Neverland. The adult didn't believe her and thought it was a dream, so when the adult knew that he became Captain Hook, the adult became insanely happy. The adult began to wreak havoc on Neverland, but that was what caused Rin to go off in search of a Peter Pan, or more precisely, a hero."

I flipped to the next page. Man, this person's writing sure was big.

"So that's just what happened. Luckily, Neverland wasn't too badly beaten up and was eventually restored to how it originally looked. Rin found a kid who was willing to be Peter Pan and brought him here. When the kid fought Captain Hook and won, the kid began to wonder why things weren't as exciting as they were at first after a few days. That kid ventured into the Jolly Roger one night, but Rin forbid it AT FIRST."

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