Chapter 6: Len's Special Surprise

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I was in what looked like a wooden, brown room. Rin was floating in front of me.

"So this is what you've become?" She asked. I could see the disappointment written all over her face.

"Huh?" I said as I scratched the back of my head, but that was when I noticed my voice sounded different. Deeper.

Man, these are some weird dreams.

"Look at you." Rin said.

I didn't need to look at myself. I already knew something about me was different.

I sighed.

"Where are we?" I asked as I looked around the room.

"That doesn't matter. Now I have to go do something else." Rin said as she turned-flew?-around.

"Like what?" I asked as I tried to reach my hand out to her.

"None of your concern." Rin said as she flew further away from me.

"Rin, wait! I'm still the same guy!" I said.

When I said that, Rin finally turned around. Somehow, I could see what her face looked like, but it looked like a sad smile.

"No, Len. No. You're not." Rin said, and then turned back around. She started to fly away from me again.

When she said that, I finally stopped trying to get her to stay with me. I just didn't understand.

Am I no longer the same person?

Do I change drastically or something?

"Len....Len..." I heard Rin say.

Something in me changed. I awoke from the dream.

I was on my good ol' bed in the tree the lost boys lived in.

"You're finally up! Geez! Come on, Len, we have to go!" Rin said.

"Is it to that thing that DEX had mentioned earlier?" I asked as I got off my bed and started walking out of the room.

"Yes!" Rin said.

We got outside the tree. Surprisingly, it wasn't too hot.

"Now close your eyes!" Rin said.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"You'll see soon!"
It was at least around 7 PM by now, probably close to it or a little after 7.

Rin was leading me to the lagoon. While guiding me there, she had instructed me to keep my eyes shut since she couldn't do it herself.

You know. Tiny hands.

"Are we almost there?" I asked.

"Almost! Keep your eyes closed!"

"They're closed." I said.

"Alright, Len...." I heard Rin say. She sounded like she was in front of me.

"Now open them!" She said.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a large banner held up by sticks over the lagoon saying "Congratulations, Len!"

"A party?" I asked.

"Yes, as thanks for you getting rid of KAITO, aka Captain Hook!" Rin said happily as she sat on my hat.

"Len! We're glad you made it!" Said GUMI as she looked over at me from sitting on a rock. She dove into the water and swam over to me.

I bent down as her head resurfaced from the water.

"The party's in the Mermaid Lagoon because we wanted to celebrate with you as well. We could've tried somewhere else, but we figured this was the best spot to throw the party." She explained.

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