Chapter 13: A Concerned Discussion

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I couldn't believe what just happened. Len attacked us and we didn't even do anything to him!

After the cannon balls had hit our land and then tried to hit me, enough was enough. I had called my people towards me and led them to safety.

Or at least what I thought was safety.

"I guess being Captain Hook took its toll on 'im...." I said as I bent over to catch my breath in a secluded clearing, my people scattered about in the clearing with me.

Despite being a clearing, it was dark in there. Trees were surrounding us, but what I meant by clearing was that we still had enough space-a large circle, actually-surrounding us, and if you looked up, you'd be able to see the sky.

Although due to being surrounded by trees despite the clearing, Len still wouldn't be able to find us, or at least he shouldn't be able to find us.

Unless he launched a cannon ball through here, which I doubt would happen.

But I guess I could only hope that wouldn't happen at this point.

Next to us was some water. The mermaids could probably come in through there if they had to.

"Such a shame. He was different from all the other Peter Pans." I said once I straightened myself back up and looked around with an angry look on my face, just trying to make sure if he was around or not.

But then again, I wouldn't know. We were surrounded by trees as I've already said.

"Hey! Hey!" Someone said. I turned around to see a boy in a wolf costume come running towards me.

"You're DEX, right? One of the lost boys?" I asked him.

Just making sure.

"Yeah, that's me." DEX said as he bent over to catch his breath, but then stood up and motioned behind him towards some trees.

Another boy in a purple dragon costume came running out from behind the bushes. Another boy in what looked like a crow costume came running towards us shortly after.

"Did you guys hear all those loud noises? Did you feel like your whole world was shaking a little? What was that?" The boy in the crow costume asked.

"That's what I'm here for, but I don't think it was an earthquake. Hey, where are the mermaids?" DEX asked as he looked around.

"They might be here soon. Yes, we heard the noises, and yes, we felt those shakes. We don't know where the mermaids are. And you're right, Dex. It wasn't an earthquake." I said.


I heard there were four lost boys. Where was the fourth one? Maybe he was just having trouble getting here.

Or maybe something else happened to him and he wasn't here for a reason.

I started looking behind the boys and towards the trees they came through.

"What's wrong?" The boy in purple asked.

"Wasn't there a fourth one of you guys?" I asked as I looked at him in confusion.

"Oh, yeah....his name was Piko. We think he became a pirate." The one in purple replied.

"Yeah. Gakupo, OLIVER, and I didn't know he was serious." DEX said.

"Serious? Serious about what?" I asked.

"Becoming a pirate." OLIVER replied.

"What made you think he wasn't serious?" I asked.

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