Chapter 11: An Upheld Promise

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Rin's POV
From where they couldn't see me, I watched Miku and Len's conversation, but it looked like Len was done talking to her.

"Where are you going?" Miku asked him.

"If I play my cards right, I'm going to finish a book. I've been getting lots of distractions while reading. It's a really good book." Len said as he put his hand on the doorknob, turned it, opened it, and then closed it behind him after walking inside.

I flew towards the back of the ship to his office/room. I looked in to see him sitting down at his desk. He looked like he had just said something to Piko.

"It's a book about a girl who gets bullied by a mean blonde. I just started it." Piko said.

"Sounds sad." Len said as he continued reading whatever chapter he was on in his.

"I guess we'll just see." Piko said.

I decided to turn away after that.

I began to fly through Neverland, but I was going to visit Mikuo again.

You know what I promised him.

Or rather, what I promised Miku. 

Before I knew it, I had already flown out of Neverland. I flew all the way back to where I had found Miku and her twin brother.

I was now looking through every window of every house. When I had finally found an open window, I looked in to see the boy staring at his empty sister's bed. I knew it was him, so I flew right into that bedroom.

"Hello!" I said happily.

He didn't even move.

"...Hello?" I said after a few more minutes, making sure to say it a bit louder in case if he hadn't heard me before.

He finally turned around, and like with all the others-except Miku-he looked shocked to see me.

"Is this real?" He asked literally as soon as he saw me.

"Yes." I said, about to say something sarcastic to him.

"W-Why are you here? Are you a pixie?" He said as he backed up.

I just flew towards him.

"It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. And yes, I'm a pixie." I said.

"How can I trust you?" He said, raising a brow as he now crossed his arms. He looked more suspicious than scared/surprised by now.

Actually, I guess I'd say he was both scared and surprised earlier.

"You can trust me because I'm not going to hurt you." I said with a smile, making sure to look as warm as I could so I could gain his trust.

"And how am I supposed to trust you because of something like that?" He asked.

I mentally sighed. I was going to recruit this kid to be Peter Pan, but with all this questioning, maybe I should find someone else.

Wait. No, no, I made a promise to Miku that I said I was gonna keep. This kid's gonna be the new Peter Pan no matter what he does or says.

Even though he's pretty difficult to recruit at the moment....

No matter what happens, I AM going to keep that promise.

"You just can. Now what's your name?" I asked.

"....Mikuo." The boy said as he crossed his arms.

"Nice name. Now come with me." I said.

"No." He said, rooting himself to the teal carpeting.

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