Chapter 5: Neverland At Peace?

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I was having one of those weird dreams again.

Yes, you guessed it. I was in that strange-but long-red coat again. I was walking through another black void.

"Lookin' good." Said that somewhat familiar voice from the dream I had the night before.

"You sound so familiar. Where do I know you from?" I asked.

"Don't worry. You'll recognize me soon." It said.

"When is soon?" I asked.

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not even sure how soon it's gonna happen. It can happen today or in a few days. It's really not my place to tell you." Said the voice.

"What do you mean by everything you said? It sounds like I'm gonna go up against you or something." I said.

"You just figured it out."

"Huh? Figured what out?"

"You will have to go up against me. As soon as your little mentor tells you it's your day or when you decide on it, we'll fight then." The voice said.

"Okay, wait, wait, wait! What!? I don't understand! What day? What decision? What little mentor?" I asked.

"Oh, don't worry, Len. You'll find out soon enough." The voice said.

"Just tell me what you mean! I'm getting mad here!" I said.

"Don't be like that, Len. That isn't adult-like behavior, now is it?"

"Oh, that's right.....I'm an adult now." I thought.

"I guess I forgot." Is what I ended up saying.

I heard a chuckle from that mysterious voice.

"It's alright. Soon you'll know what it's like to be an adult. Besides these dreams, that is." The voice said.

"I guess there's not stopping it." I said out loud, even though I still wasn't quite sure what he meant.

"You're darn right about that." The voice said.

After that happened, I woke up, wondering what that was all about.

"I don't understand...." I muttered as I lifted myself away from the huge tiger behind me and placed a hand on my forehead.

"Understand what?" Rin asked as she looked up at me from sitting on my knee.

"It's nothing. Do you even sleep?" I asked.

"Of course I do. I slept next to you last night." She said.

"Speaking of sleeping, where's MEIKO?" I asked as I started looking around.

I heard a loud yawn from behind me, and the next thing I knew I saw MEIKO's arms on top of her tiger and her groggily looking at me from behind it.

"Right here. You called, little buddy?" She asked, and then yawned again.

"It's nothing. I was just wondering where you were." I said.

"Well, as you can see, I'm right here." MEIKO said as she stood up and walked next to me. She pulled me up, put two fingers to her mouth, and whistled.

I have no idea how, but somehow, that whistle awoke EVERYONE that was sleeping. All the Indians bolted out of their tents or off their makeshift sleeping bags.

MEIKO clapped her hands.

"EVERYONE! We're going back to camp! Help me take down everything and let's head back!" MEIKO yelled.

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