74 3 6

Song: Gyangu - Asian Type Beat

Haruka's exhausted frame stiffened beside Hajime after bodies appeared followed by the source of the voice. Her furious peepers snapped wide open just as the speaker steps out of the shadow, she peeked towards her companion gauging his reaction; spitfire ocean-blue orbs burning a hole at his new opponent, jaw ticking.

"Nice to see you again, Haruka," he smiled, yet, it never reached his cold eyes.

They were encircled by a group of snarling yakuza willing to eliminate the small fries but Haruka wouldn't have them frightening her off. She carefully pulled away from her human pillar who, in turn, looked on with a composed expression. Albeit, his internal mind-frame must in the works similar to hers.

"Think you can get out of the way?" she opted for a casual stance cussing mentally by the stab of lacerating pain.

"Whyever for?" he spread his hands out. "We just met up and now you're wishing to leave?"

"Cut your philosophical bullshit and get to the point," her eyes never wavering from his own.

"Fine, you seem to be on our list," his smile disappearing replacing with a sneer. "You killed my men, for a lowlife bitch, you have an admirable streak."

"What are you planning to do?" Hajime challenged.

"We are a new law, we set the boundary and rebel against the authority," he drawled in a haughty tone.

"Why did you decide to team up with a pair of mentally challenged priests who has the ludicrous idea to upend the court?" Haruka observed the man's countenance spying a dark look.

"Seems like they are almost caught, eh?" he shook his head in a sign of frustration.

"Do your people have any association with the burned down village?" she enquired the dire topic white-hot at the back of her brain.

"You seem to overlook where your current position is in front of me right now," the said leader spat on the cobbled floor.

"As the captain of the Shinsengumi," Hajime strode forward. "I ask you to respond to the questions, may I know your name?"

"Shinsengumi?" he glances at the rest of his men before focusing on the authority figure.

"Are you involved with the Takayami village pillage?" Hajime repeated her inquiry.

"Boss, shall we?" one of them interfered by shifting on foot in an antsy manner.

"It's alright, my name is Kanazawa Itou, the last name you will hear before my men cut you two down," one hand out front to halt anyone's movement. "The village was burned down under the order to taint the Shinsengumi reputation, there's someone else pulling the strings."

"You mean, Shûntaro?" Haruka eyed the man's response.

Itou's narrowed gaze flicker to somebody behind Haruka, on the other hand, Hajime swivelled his dark head to gawk at her in surprise. The volume of footsteps circling them inches closer. Yet, she continued to be undeterred listening into the tense dialogue between the duo.

"What is your link with him?" Hajime rests one hand casually on the hilt of his sword.

"I'm done with your 21 questions," the male clicked his tongue irritable.

"Saito-san," Haruka cautioned the other as for now, the battle was about to begin.

"Haruka, can you fight?" Hajime enquired in a low voice as they reversed against one another to keep the rest in check. "You're badly injured."

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