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Hajime took a stance to watch over the petrified religious man whose legs became unstable; cobalt-shade peepers narrowed as he scrutinized the blonde-haired ronin who never budged the slightest. A flicker of the pale streak of lightning; their features an eerie sight to behold, before the thunderous booming literally shook the core foundation all of them stood upon.

"Step down," Hajime forewarned the gangster. "You are now in the hands of the Shinsengumi."

He, on the other hand, feigned ignorance, in preference jaded eyes slithered into tiny slits as they trailed over the pair of monks. Sanosuke had taken the custody over the rebellious group whereas Heisuke and his team corralled in the additional crews. Yet, Hajime faces off opposite their unyielding leader just as both of their features emitted fierceness.

Drizzle peppers from beyond the heavens; gradual breeze ushered by the rainfall as everyone's attire were now soaked to the bones.

Under heavy quietness, both Hajime and his foe encircled just as the oppositions sized up one another conspicuously. The assembly reacted in hush whispers as the throng of human ring became a wide berth that of which enabled them enough amplitude when all of a sudden, menacing ivory flash momentarily illuminated them; swords gleam threateningly.

The Shinsengumi officers awaited in bated breath, everyone acknowledged Hajime, the third captain, as one of the finest swordsman in the ranks. Infamous Okita Souji also suffered defeat against him. Whilst the unsuspicious ronin clueless about the being he had chosen to clash swords with. Saturated cobblestone pathway; foliage rustled whenever bleak air blew even then, nobody moved a muscle to cower from the bitter sensation.

All of a sudden, Hajime witnessed the other ripped off his Hannya mask before it flung mid-air. The audible noise of the object bounces several times before it halted altogether.

The officer reads his adversaries counterattack when the blonde-head finally darted forward. Fingers latched onto the hilt with its sharp blade slanted downward whereas Hajime reciprocated; the battle was set into motion.

Both their waraji and geta created an audible noise, almost closer when Hajime was taken off guard. The gangster propelled his lanky frame to airborne with a boost on a foot and twirled as beads of liquid whoosh in every direction. Hajime momentarily riveted by the scenario; sandy-coloured hair whipped around the head whilst fierce emerald eyes trained upon him.

The sword that of which grasped in his hands plunged above Hajime with rapidity. But the officer dominated the surprise attack with his own sword in precise prevention. The right foot skidded rearward as his left one hunched a little lower.

Their blades vibrated under tensity as an ominous clang reverberated, Hajime perceived behind the brunt as that familiar throbbed travels across his arms. Their katana quiver under the administration.

"Your lawless group will soon meet the end," Hajime let in on in his monotonal voice. You have chosen the wrong opponent to butt head with.

The two of them glide their blades just as sparks emitted to illume intensive features, before the two of them yet again delivered blow after blow and he was surprised at the tiny pleasure sparked inwardly. The competitor harmonized every action furthermore, the clash became impressive just as the sharp-edged close upon incised Hajime's kimono.

Oddly, the individual whom Hajime currently battle with him exhibited minimal reaction, rather than the common grunt or bellow heard from the attacker. Yet, Hajime only had to peer deeply into those chartreuse-shade eyes to notice turmoil emotions internally. A blade swung above his head whilst Hajime dodged lower in exchanged his own katana pendulate in parallel. The captain swiftly shifted the grip on his sword to accommodate whereas the other jumped back to avoid the sharpen blade.

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