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Song: Cherney & INF1N1TE - Conquer

Footsteps literally flying off the hard terrain as Haruka races forth in an uncanny velocity one hand covering her agonizing ribcage as the bandages loosen by the cut earlier. Blood was dripping profusely, leaving off splotches of the trail as well as on the petal of plants, yet, the female was hellbent on chasing after the group of gangsters who were guarding two of the priests.

One of them eventually peeked over his shoulder in a frightful glance, their gazes colliding when he picked up the pace once in a while tripping clumsily from either the low branches or by the hemline of his monk robe. Haruka's keen hearing alerted her of advancing noises from behind without looking at the source she had concluded that more thugs surrounded her slinking away from their hiding spot. They gained alacrity while swords were drawn for gore even then, the girl never wavered from her target latching on the katana with two hands.

A single individual approaches Haruka when she experienced a draft of wind closer to an ear guessing that the bastard was aiming for the jugular. Not losing momentum, she steadily blocks off the second time just as their eyes connected from sideways before she punched him on the nose listening to the man's yowl of pain.


She spied a glimpse of their intricate tattoos decorated on their burly chests occasionally a full sleeve on the arms and legs they were the "big dogs" of the indicate world; lucrative business thriving and killing off small thugs to secure a place for themselves.

Haruka ran in the midst of full-time players just then two men halted during mid-run at the front greeting her with a strained bellow whereas raising their swords above their head, deep-set raging eyes fixated on her figure; canines baring in an animalistic display. Without missing a beat, Haruka put herself in between the pair to slice the soft gut open and transferring that bloody blade stabbing his companion in the neck.

"ORAAAAA!" she shrieked in crazed rage.

The men of Amanozako were the only men alive apart of her slain victims to witness Haruka's transformation between a cold-hearted human being into a possessed one. One of the reasons as to why nobody could win against the girl when Haruka's fingers had caressed blade of the fallen man from the mass attack she had felt an awakening inside of her. Droplets of liquid rained on her eerie profile from the death of those two men.



The scent of death.

They trailed after Haruka every step of the way she was now walking in a familiar territory just as they broke through the shrubbery onto dry land listening on to the vocals belonging to the townsfolk. Instead of killing easily, the girl had an inkling they were toying whilst waiting for the appropriate time to fuck her. These men were bigger and stronger, easier to tackle someone her size.

They ran in between an alleyway, the priests using whatever forces to halt their pursuer by flinging stacked boxes on the ground; wooden planks creating a commotion as they dropped dust blew in thick clouds. Yet, the athletic built female bolted over the obstacles most of the time hitting against the corner of the building although carrying on with the momentum. She was tailgated by her own group of hunter unmindful that that entourage had a bunch of Blue Coats hunting them down.

All of them finally came in contact with the locals at the marketplace busy with their morning necessities. Screams tore through the mingling crowds; panic creates a sea of shoving bodies until a pair of fists came flying out of nowhere to airborne Haruka as she landed on a stall selling a variety of vegetables. Sturdy poles collapse, herbaceous plants tumbling and rolling aimlessly, ivory tent floating downward cloaking any standing underneath it.

The man who came face to face with Haruka glares at the vacated place she had landed watching a couple of hands attempting to shove the canvas inching closer in a steady pace the flat side of the blade reflecting his narrowed eye and perspiration dotting on the high forehead. All of sudden, the male's sturdy frame became rigid like a rock; eyes widen in disbelief just as a bead of blood trailing down in between from the temple to the tip of his nose. Adjacent to him, the billowing tarp was sliced in a neat line Haruka held onto a butcher knife they gaze at each other as she sneers at the same time lifting the sharp blade to spot splatter of the brain the gangster had impaled him at the top of his head.


Haruka climbs atop the table feeling the sting of sweat against her injury as well as her blurry vision the countenance pale, yet, Raiku had trained her body system fit for endurance he acquired a breathing weapon if he were to demise Haruka would live on carrying the fallen man's legacy. She was sharp as the blade of a katana.

Once again, cries from the folks paint across the sky when war between two factions resumes by now, Haruka knew two of the priests had escaped. She lost the chance to behead both of them like a fresh watermelon during the summer heat.

One broke off from the circle to meet Haruka as the female moved with the flow against each jab of the blade twirling around to ram one foot at the newcomer on the chest while dealing with the current. The whistling sound the sword cut through the air when he captures her from behind ready to slice the head off feeling the cold blade against her feverish skin. A leering male approached the tip aimed for her stomach at the last second, Haruka slams her foot on the sword at the same time ramming her head backwards. Aware of the cut at the corner of her neck by the movement, the girl took one of the poles from the broken stall to swung at her enemy the reverberation by the contact.

Blood was flowing from the injury, she was losing strength although the girl was careful not to allow the others to spot an opportunity. She controls the rhythm of her breathing swiping perspiration with a quick action so as not to lose sight. They were skilled in the art of swordsman while she uses her gut instinct to keep herself from dying. 

"Kill him!" one of the men perhaps their leader ordered his henchmen.

Haruka never wasted a second, she rushed forth once again using the stick to halt the progress of a blade cutting it in half she makes use of each on either side of the man's ribcage at the same time kicks him on the chest. She pedals backwards before cartwheeling to stand on a foot; her hand collecting sand while twisting the body to deliver another kick and flinging tiny bits of dust into his open eyes. She was ready to fall flat on her face hence her fights were limited. She places the back of her wrist on her parted mouth exhaling aloud. 

"Who the fuck are you?!" the leader yelled out to her.


Haruka ignored the call from Hajime when he brought out a team of more men in blue coats their swords drawn in battle mode. She acknowledged his bewildered expression over a shoulder before looking straight ahead. The strength finally drained both the kimono and hakama drenched in thick liquid. She managed a few wobbly steps only to topple sideways until a person envelops her frame in warm arms Haruka caught a glimpse of beautiful cerulean-tone eyes that match along with the colour of his indigo-shade hair.

"You're losing...."


Haruka woke up with a dry throat the tongue stuck on the roof of her mouth eyes flickering several minutes to open her first view of a clapboard roof. The pleasing fragrance of lush greenery wafted from the open doorway resting on her back adorn in a plain white kimono, a blanket covering the lower half of her body. In a slow movement, the girl lifts two hands without the bandages in front of her face nor around the chest.

"You're awake."

Without looking at the source of the sound, Haruka figured the person to be Saito Hajime seated at the corner of the room guarding her weak body. Tilting her head to stare at Hajime's blank expression he got upright to amble barefoot at her side crouching on a knee carefully opening the lid atop the cup bringing it closer to her parched lips. She surveyed him like prey when he sighed softly, the man finally glances at Haruka a brow raised to his hairline.

"You must be feeling thirsty," he mentioned as a matter of fact.

"Where am I?" she croaked the words.

"You are back to square one."

Note: I know my chapters have tons of Grammatical error, forgive me! I do my best.

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