Chapter 13 "Christmas alret!" Part 1

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The date is December 17. The time was 7:30pm. I was laying down on Michael's chest, Michael was on his phone listening to music. Drake was reading a book and Nick was doing pull up on the bar. It was pretty quiet and slow. I look out the window from and said "*gasp* snow! It's snowing you guys!" Then Nick said "yeah it snows a lot over here im amazed you never notice." Drake closed his book and said " it's cold here almost 24/7 and plus I'm from Russia in my childhood I always seem snow." Then I said "we don't get snow that much where me and Michael is from it's like on and off. Michael said "yeah it's either will get an excessive amount or a little bit." Drake and Nick just stared at us and said "Suffolk county is a strange place" then we laughed and I said " but honestly there is only two things I wanted on during this season."
Drake said "and those things are .?"
Then I continued " one I always wanted a white Christmas like in the movies it was one time it almost happened back I was in ninth grade we had snow storm the day after Christmas. That was the closet. And the second is to spend Christmas with a few friends and my boyfriend or girlfriend and family and there families."
Then Michael said "well that first one is kinda impossible and that depends on the odds on the universal. That second one I'm coming over on Christmas but later that night. What you bros doing for Christmas? "
Drake said "my mother is flying here from Russia and were actually staying In Brentwood in a apartment so we can see the tree in New York City. I'm leaving on the 20th to pick her up from the airport."
Then I said "that's awesome me and Michael and Alexis can come and visit you." Then drake smiled "yeah that'll be great I might throw a little get together for all of us." Then I turned to Nick and said " Nick what you going to be up to on Christmas?"
Nick just sat down and said "nothing I might stay on campus." Me, drake and Michael looked at each other confused. Then drake said "you don't want to go home for Christmas...but it's Christmas." Then Nick looked away at us and said " I haven't had a good Christmas since I was six." Then Michael said "I'm sorry to hear that but you can still go home." Then Nick said "what's the point so I can go home to my mom being to scared to stay the night and for me to be my dads personal punching bag." Then I said "Nick what you mean?" Nick started to tear up "alright dammit I don't like talking about but you guys and Nicole are the only ones. Alright everything was fine between my mom and dad before I was born. My mother loved me unconditionally and my dad always said I was drunken mistake. When I was kid I was too young to understand what he meant. I remember every night when my mom put me to bed a couple minutes later there will be arguing that went in for hours sometimes I heard hitting and things crashing. Then when he was finish abusing her he'll move on to me shake me from my sleep and just punch and kick me once I had to go to the hospital cause he cracked two of my ribs. I grabbed Michael's hand and said "Nick.. Did it ever get any better." Nick continued and said "no... It got worst the older I got. It came to a point I stayed at my friends house for weeks upon end I felt guilty leaving my mom but I remember when me and my dad got into a fight and I broke his nose and he pushed me down the stairs. But yeah that's why I don't like going home or Christmas or any holiday." Then I said "Nick.. Do you really want stay here on campus for a whole month ?" Nick said "I'll do whatever I have to do" then I sat behind and hugged him and said "Nick im sorry to hear all of this I wish I can help in a way." Then Nick said "you can by killing my dad that sick drunk bastard." Then CartexzCat said *that can be arranged hehehehe* drake said "I can help. Why won't you and your mom move in with me and mom and my sister." Nick looked at drake innocently and said " you and mom will really let me and mom live in your apartment." Then drake said "of course she wouldn't mind besides your mom will keep both of them company while classes are in session." Then Nick said I'll call my mom now before my dad gets back from his job." Then Nick "thank you so much drake im forever in your debt." Then he hugged him. Then a couple minutes later Nick said " drake.. She's scared to leave but she agreed to do it." Drake shook his head and said "my mom agreed to let you guys stay in the apartment she's actually quite excited on meeting you two." Then Nick said "listen drake man this is just the greatest thing someone has ever find done for me." Drake shook his hand and said "it's no problem bro anything for a friend." Then Cartexzcat said "awe mega cute bromance." Then he said "I guess I'll start packing for the month" drake nodded his head. Which brought my mind I tapped Michael and said "babe what day are we leaving ?" He looked at the calendar on wall and said "two days" then Nick said "then me and drake should leave that same day. How that sound drake ?" Drake said "im cool with that." Then I said "yaaaaay! We're all leaving the same day, but drake, Nick what's about Nicole and Alexis." Nick said "Nicole left this morning actually and drake said "Alexis is leaving tonight she's on her way up to say good bye to me and Nick but she doesn't know I'm staying in Brentwood." *knock* *knock* it was Alexis she walked in room and said "hey you guys I'm about to leave" then she walked up to drake and said "im going to miss you drake when I'm gone I'll text you when I get in okay?" Drake said "sure thing be careful." Then Alexis kissed drake. Cartexzcat exploded and said "whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!" I fell to my bed and Michael said "Craig there, there. And petted my head. When she left. Me and Cartexzcat said "drake what the hell is this ??!" Drake laughed and said "oh me and Alexis we started dating last week." I shook my head up and down and CartexzCat said "what the hell happens upstate ugh love is so confusion." Do you guys think it's two late to order pizza nick said michael said "kinda late it's 8:30 you know." Then I said "*yawn* well I'm a bit sleepy I'm going to sleep." Then I tugged on Michael's sleeve and baby eyed him and asked him "can you snuggle with me tonight" then Michael said "sure thing."

I woke the next morning with Michael packing along with drake and Nick. Then drake said "look who's up guys ?" As he walked to me and shrugged my head playfully. Then Michael said "morning kitten we all decided to leave today." Then I frowned and said "but Mikey .. I thought we agreed on tomorrow. Then Michael sat next to me and said "come on Craig it doesn't hurt leaving a day earlier besides you have everything wrapped already and it's in the car already." Then he pecked me on the cheek. I got out of bed and said "Michael I'd really appreciate you let me know when you going to make descions without me." And slammed the door. Then Nick said "do you think he's mad?" Michael and drake looked at him. Nick just came behind me and said "you know he was just trying to help Craig it's because it's rumored there was going to be some sort of threat on the school. And he wanted us to get out quick." I look down and rubbed my elbow and and said " well Nick I didn't even think of it that way I'm sorry Nick. And hugged him and started playing with his hair. Then Nick started to blush and said "*moan* Craig we talked about *moan* stop it please Craig just go apologize to mike." Then he grabbed my hand and said "seriously don't do that every time you do I feel like I'm going to make a mistake with you.." I turned my head and said "what?!" He blushed and said "it was nothing but, go!" Then CartexzCat said "did he just say he's going to fuck me when I play with his hair." Michael was sitting on the bed staring at his phone. I jump on him and we fell to my bed and I kissed him over and over. Then he said "woah Craig I know I'm sorry you're mad aren't you?"
I kissed him again and said "no I'm not upset..well I was but because I didn't know the reason, baby If I knew the reason I wouldn't have gotten mad so let's gets going." Then drake and Nick said our things our in drakes truck. I smiled and grabbed Michael's arm and we exited the dorm and locked the door . We went in our cars and started to head to out. When we got stopped by the guards at the end. We got out our cars drake said "why did you stop us?" The guard said "we can't let anyone in or out of the campus until we get the air clear of the bomb threat." then Michael said "we have to leave right now today please." the second guard said "we would let you pass but If we were to we would get in so much trouble please bare with us." Then I said "what are going to do you guys" then drake said "it's going to fine were going managed." Then Nick said "guys follow my car" then drake grabbed nicks shoulder and said "wait where are you taking us." Then Nick said "*sigh* drake you know when I leave on Saturday nights and don't come back to Sunday mornings. Well I'm apart of a fight club and to go to that fight club I leave the school in alternate way that will leave us near the intersection where we have to go towards Brentwood so we could take that way. Drake said "you sure Nick ?" Nick said "im sure" so we started to follow nicks car and nicks route was true. But this is when we all parted different ways. Me and Michael continued to my house. Nick continued to his mothers house in bayshore to pick up her up. Finally drake went to airport to pick up his mom and his little sister.

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