Chapter 16 "New years...of hell"

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I woke with Nicks feet in my face. I screamed. Nick yelled "ah what the hell drake!" And fell off the bed. I looked at him and "your feet were in my face I hate feet they are gross." Then Nick stale faced me and said "you know I have half the mind to kick your ass." And exited out the room. "Tonight in hitting the couch." He yelled entering the bathroom. I just sighed and thought to myself "am I really starting to like Nick again. I'm feeling like the morning after we shared that drunken kiss when we went to that party in November of last year. I never did tell him. Maybe he caught the feel when I tried to sleep in the same bed as him. He's cute and nice and caring apparently but my feelings for Craig is gone, WAIT! A minute I'm with Alexis. She's my lady. Evil thoughts of being with Nick exit....sheesh this a long thought." Then Nick walked back into the room shirtless and asked "hey bro do you have a towel I can use." I blushed and said "sure thing check the hallway closet." He said thanks and entered the bathroom and then I heard the shower turn on. Then I heard my door open again this time it was Antwan. I asked him "why are you in my room." Then he shut the door and said "that's no way to talk to your new dad isn't ? How about a good morning."
I caught a defensive tone and said "you're not my new dad my original dad is still in Russia in Moscow where my other home is. Good morning I guess." Then Antwan got close to me and said "listen I know you don't like me your mother told me about it. Listen frankly I don't give two shits honestly I prefer your mom only. You and Anastasia can go to your fathers house. Honestly I don't like you either and I can't wait for you to go back upstate." Then he began to get up and then I said "I'm glad you don't like me and good I won't be the only one leaving you will too." He turned around and got in my face and grabbed my collar and said "what you say smart ass want to run it by me again?" And threw me against my back board and made me hit my head. still in my face then I heard my door open it was Nick. He stood at the door and said "am i interrupting something ?" Antwan saved his ass saying "no drake said it was something in his eye and I was checking it. Good thing I like to greet my kids in the morning. right drake." I just nodded my head. Then Antwan left the room. Nick looked at me and asked "what happen bro you look like your going to rip Someone's head off." I said "it's nothing." Then I grabbed the back of my head. Nick said "i highly doubt you're telling me the truth considering you have bump on the side of your head that wasn't there 15 minutes ago. Then I said it's no big deal. Then nick came up to me and move some of my hair out of my face and said "maybe It'll be okay if you have your hair this way. It will hide it without looking ridiculous." Then I blushed and said "geez thanks Nick how do you know how to do this." He scratched the back of his head and said "its common sense of hair actually and I had to do a lot when I had to go work when I had a mark on my head or face when one of my matches didn't go as well."
I looked at him astonished and asked "you had a job I thought you didn't because you fought for money and dragged raced." Nick began to blushed and got up and turned and said "yeah I had two jobs actually before I started racing and fighting. The first I had was at Sears near the college but later on I realized I hated retail and the customers and I just quit. The second job I had it payed a lot better but it's kinda embarrassing to talk about...." Then I said "what you do sell drugs?" Nick got defensive and said "no! I didn't do that since high school until I got arrested...but my second job I was a stripper." I blushed and laughed "no, get out. I don't believe you how much did you charged for lap dances ?" He said "stop laughing dammit but if you need to know I charged 25." Then I mumbled "a guy hot and cute as you should've doubled that." Then Nick chuckled and said "what was that mr.smith?" I said "nothing do you want to go out to eat Michael just texted me he's bringing Craig and Alexis." Nick said "sure thing let me just change into to something more fitting. Where were going to eat." Then I said "from what Craig is telling me it's sounds like IHOP." Nick turned to me and said happily "IHOP ? Seriously ooooh I can't wait I didn't go to IHOP since Nicole took us there for our 2 month anniversary. my god awesome sauce I get to have the cinnastacks again." Then I got and started to get ready I'm going to tell mom and wake up Anastasia to see if she wants to come. I came back to Nick and he said "well .. ? What she say." I said "my keys and my car is gone so is Anastasia and both our moms." Then Nick said "that's weird mom would've told me if she was going. They probably went out to know each other more girls day out. She has more freedom more so she's enjoying it now." I smiled and said "yeah you're right come on let's go."
So we started to ride but this time only in nicks truck. We got out the car and I saw Alexis began to race at me. She said "drakeeeeeeyyyy!" And hugged me to the the floor. She started kissing me all over my face. "Why you and Craig told me about going to Russia?" Then I said "if you let me up and get in the rester aunt I'll tell you. She got up and said deal. Then Michael went to hugged Nick. Nick hugged him back and didn't let go. Then I heard "mikey missed his Nick it's been like two days ~mmmmm❤️" then I though when Alexis tackled me down I thought I was going crazy but I thought I saw a cat behind Craig honing its claws looking and Nick look like throwing a tantrum. Then Craig said in a gentle voice "come on everyone shall we go in now haha~❤️" which kinda gave me a chill cause I know Craig can pack some serious damage just from seeing his stature. We ordered our food and while we're waiting Michael was love eyeing Nick. Nick was doing the same but only to the picture of cinnastacks picture, Craig was putting a fake smile humming the theme of super Mario bros, the cat behind staring at Craig pissed off. Then Alexis broke the silence and said "why the hell did you lie and say you were going to Russia I was all upset for not being able to see you." I shook my head yes "right I didn't tell you cause I was going to surprise you at my house for a little New Years get together." The puppy eyes me and said "awe really do that for me and you even brought Nick the gang is almost here we just need Nicole. Craig, Michael ? That's the mystery place you two was taking me tonight?" Craig said "oh yeah me and Michael and drake planned the whole thing the day you left." Then Michael said "yeah mama in addition we saw how bummed you were even on Christmas so that's we bitched at you to come out tonight with us. So the cat is kinda out the bag." Nick said "yes I missed my lexxy." And kissed her on the cheek. I looked at and said "bro .......😒" Nick blushed and said "sorry man I missed her she's my buddy. Like you are." And playfully and fake kissed me on the cheek. Then I leaned over and kissed Alexis. Then the waitress came over and brought the food over. Nick threw his hands up and said "yessssss pancake time." We all laughed and I started to blush. We ate and began to ride to my apartment. Where I saw my mom and nicks mom talking and having coffee. We walked through the door and Anastasia ran up to us and said "Nick ! You're home with big bro and new friends." She hugged Nick and Nick pick her up and said "hey cupcake how you doing?" She said "I was with my mom and your mom all day. You're mom is real pretty and nice. Then we got home I was playing with your cat. So I'm feeling mega happy especially because my boyfriend is home." Alexis said "awe Nick that's the cutest I didn't know you were a debonair ? Drake is that little sister ? She's adorable." I shook my head yes. Craig said "geez drake I bet it's never a dull moment going home anymore huh?" I responded "eh.. It was never dull considering Anastasia is excitement enough but seeing my mom is the best but now I got friends to enjoy this place." Then Antwan walked in the room and said in the fake voice "oh drake are these you're friends from college I'm Antwan please to meet you all." Then he just glared at me. Then walked into my mothers room. I grabbed on to nicks arm then pull away. I noticed Anastasia was silent too. Then Alexis said "ooooh drake that's your dad he's too nice." I just turned to her and said "don't you ever say that. He's not my dad and never will be." I just stormed into my room. Then Craig entered the room and said "hey, you okay? " I just said "I'm fine I just needed to be alone for a moment."
Craig came closer to me and said "you don't seem fine to me. One doesn't leave there guest for the rest of the night. Talk to me drake." I said "alright fine I got a little bit emotional when she called that man my dad. That man isn't my dad. My mom got remarried
While I was at college and didn't even bother to invite to the wedding and that man doesn't even like me he told me and made it pretty clear." Then Craig said "yes I know he looks nothing like you and I saw the way glared at you. I also notice you grabbed nicks arm." I just put my head down on Craig's chest and said "I apologize for freaking out on you guys I didn't mean too man I'm such an idiot." Then Craig laughed and said "its fine I know family issues but your not an idiot everyone goes through it. But you shouldn't apologize to me it's your girlfriend you snapped at. Nick is explaining to her what happened." Me and Craig walked out the room where Alexis came up to me and said "I'm sorry I didn't know." Then I stopped her and said "listen it's fine I shouldn't have flipped on you guys. lets just try to enjoy the rest of the night. Which we all did. The Time was 11:55pm. The ball was beginning to drop I was so excited Nick was just sitting on the couch with Anastasia in his lap fast asleep. Craig and Alexis was playing with Peru. Mike was sulking for the fact he can't drink because Craig wouldn't let him. It's a high point for Craig to do that considering Michael is Craig and Alexis ride home. My mom comes to Nick "thanks for being a baby sitter give me Anastasia so I can put her in her bed." I see Antwan is drunk without his fits. Then my mom announces "alright boys and Alexis me and Anastasia is finish for the night have fun the rest of the night but try to keep it down." I said "understood mom good night." I turn to Nick and whisper to his ear "did you mean what you said this morning about you sleeping on the couch?" He turned to me and "yeah I was serious I'm sleeping on the couch tonight." Craig laughed and said "you two sound liked an old married couple even me and Michael are like that when he comes over. why are you sleeping in the same bed and what made you separate." Then Nick said "we were sleeping in the same bed because Nick only has one bed its a big queen bed but were separating because he woke up this morning and screamed gave me almost a heart attack and I fell off the bed. Just because my feet were in his face. Frankly I don't like being awaking like that every morning." Michael, Alexis, and Craig just stared at me and Nick. Michael said "okay that's not weird at all." Then Craig said "awe dammit..." I asked "what's wrong ?" then he said "michael, my sister just texted me she wants us to start heading back." Then Alexis grabbed my arm and said "awe it seems that I have to go .... but I'm glad you're not in Russia right now. It's been a pleasure spending New Years with you. I'll text you in the morning. Good night babe." Then she hugged me and I kissed her. Then she went to hugged Nick. Craig came to me and hugged me and kissed me on the cheek and said "I see you later drake everything is going to be fine call me if anything okay." I nodded my head. Then Michael hugged me and picked me up and said "see ya later drake thanks for a hell of a day I see you later okay." Then they exited out the door and seen them pull out me driveway. I felt an uneasiness in the the area. I turn around to see Nick knocked out on the couch. He had too much to drink. The time was 1:56am. So I headed off to bed. I felt something hit me in my chest. My eyes shot open and saw Antwan on top on me. His breathe reaped of alcohol. He said "you're finally up huh. I said "get off of me!" And struggled. Then Antwan heavily slapped me and blood started to fill my mouth. I was scared and I spit the blood in his face. It did nothing but get him more angry. He wrapped his hands around my neck. I began to cry I couldn't do anything he had my arms pinned with his knees. He threw me off the bed. I said "what your issue why are you doing this you bastard." He started walked toward me, my started beating faster with every step. He reached me with hate in his eyes and kicked me in the stomach I coughed up more blood and began to cry. He violently lifted me by my collar and looked me and the in the eye and said "its because I simply don't like you." Then he threw me to the floor. And said clean "yourself up" and he stormed out the room. I just sat crying in the corner frightened. Then nick walked in the room. " He said I thought heard your voice...hey? Are you crying ?" Then he turned on the light and saw how disastered i looked and ran to me. I hugged him and broke down. Then Nick picked me up and said "drake come on let's get you cleaned up." He started wiping the side on cheek with a warm rag I started to cry so more. Then he asked me "Antwan did this didn't he. The way he glared at me when I saw him leave your room. just said guilty." I just shook my head. Then Nick said "there all done come on let's get back to sleep. You going to be okay?" He began to leave the bathroom. Then I jumped and grabbed his arm and said "Nick please don't leave me alone." Nick turned around and rubbed my cheek and said "sure thing little bro, I will not ever leave you alone again." we enter my room and got in my bad. I rested my head on his chest and said "Nick I love you ❤️" Nick shrugged my hair and said "I love you too drake i see you as a little bro. and I'm not going to let anyone hurt my little bro again.......I know father abuse I'm not going to stand and watch it happen to someone else. I promise and I swear to keep that promise." Then bring my head up and Nick looks at me and I kiss him on the cheek. He said "drake this is only time you're getting away with that."
But good night Nick I said to him. And we both fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and In nicks arms. It felt so warm and muscular and safe. This was definitely a news years I'll never forget I felt the devil just took advantage me for just trying to be good going home.

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