Chapter 6 "Pilgrim state horror"

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*flash forward its holloween time.*
It was me, Michael, Alexis, eddy, Xavier, and Vanessa. Our conversation. [the first letters of our name represents who's speaking]
M:it's holloween guys what you want to do
A: oh we can go trick or treating
We all looked at her.
E: babe babe we're all 19 or 20 were not kids anymore
Alexis just looked down.
X: we got to something you guys I'm not trying to go home
C: *sigh* I want to do something that we can remember we're all dressed up
E: wait guys I got an about we got to pilgrim state.
M: the hospital?! Down the road .
E: the very one...
X: I'm down
V: me too that sounds fun
C: I'm down too how about you babe?
Cc: the crap we get ourselves into..
M: let's go (as grabs his keys out his pocket)
A: let's do this thing
Craig!!!!!!! It was Terri and Kenyata
T: what y'all cats up to tonight
A: we're heading to pilgrim state
K: pilgrim state that's crazy
T: come on don't be a bitch come on I got whip
C: I'm riding with Michael
A:I'm riding with eddy what about you and Vanessa
X: damn I don't got my car with me tonight
M: ride with me and Craig
X: thanks bro
So here we are the infamous pilgrim state phyco hospital I said playing with the cat ears of my costume.
Alexis was rocking a pochontas outfit
Eddy rocking demon make up look with devil horns
Michael dress up as the same thing as me but less
Vanessa dressed up as sexy nurse
And Xavier dressed as doctor
Terri was dressed up as an angel
And Kenyata dressed as s devil in heels.
"So let's go !" Eddy said
Alexis "wait a minute let's not go so fast." As pulled eddy's collar
"What the hell is that!" Kenyata yelled and pointed top window. We all looked up to see a "ghostly girl and a ripped night dress." We all scream oh shit what the fuck" I grabbed michaels hand and closed my eyes in his chest. And said "Mikey can we go home already."
He smiled at me and said "come on Craig we just got here😚 let's go in."
"I agree with michael." Eddy Says
"yeah,! I'm not scared of any ghost"
Xavier said. We all headed in through the gates. We kept on walking through the dark hearing various noises. Now we're in the courtyard sitting. "What's the time ?" Alexis ask
"It's 12:39am" Vanessa said. Michael stop I said." What am I doing ?" He said. I turned to him and started to blush and said "you touching my ass." Then Michael stood up and "look i'm not touching you." I broke into a cold sweat and said "who is touching me then.?" We all looked around at each other then a ominous thick fog surrounded us I hugged in tight to michaels arm. Then we heard a snapping sound and a scream. We all jumped and scream and made a run for it. As we were running Alexis said "wait a minutes you guys where's Terri and Kenyata?" I imputed "don't know , don't care they'll find a way out every cat for themselves !!" Then I tripped on a branch and fell to the floor everyone still in front of me I looked behind to see a blurry beast figure behind me. I got scared I couldn't move and screamed "ahhhhhhh! Mikey!!!!!" Michael stopped and turned to me and said "Craig?" And cradle me and ran with me." We made it back to the gate to find that's it locked. Alexis said "babe try to open it." Eddy said "dammit it won't budge." Vanessa said "what hell are we going to do?" Xavier pointed towards the left towards the bushes " looked there's a light I think the cafeteria is in that direction perhaps Craig can pick the lock." Then I said "what you guys thinkin ?" Michael said "I think we should go it's better than standing out here waiting for someone to get us." We all nodded in agreement and proceeded towards the cafeteria. We made it to the cafeteria and found note saying
"We got your two friends, all of you are going to become of this hospital if you don't find a way out. We already got one from a similar group just like yours. You better hurry up."
This letter is making me sick I said I'm going to find s bathroom. Michael said "be careful ok Craig the chase was too close." I proceeded to look for a bathroom I found one. I started to wash my hands. The lights started to flicker. I look up in the nitro to see a jester behind me. I screamed. And the jester put his hand around me then put his hand over my mouth. Then i thought to myself "am I going to die here michaels is not dammit not this time that scumbag on the bus had me when I was vulnerable." Then CartexzCat " never again we will sit idle. Time to kick to ass let me take over Craig." I let CartexzCat take over and my blood started rushing and heart started beat rapidly. I thrust my elbow into the jesters stomach releasing his grip from me then I punch him in his face. Then I used the plastic claws in my cat gloves and jab him eyes. The jester backed off covering his eyes. Then stares at me and runs at me, I ran at him to and finished him off with a drop kick straight to the chest. I regained control of myself. Then I heard Michael and the rest yelling my name. They rushed into the room. Michael ran to me and hugged me. " you okay I heard you scream." I responded " yes I'm okay I'm not sure if he is okay" then Xavier said "shit Craig, you didn't have to fuck him up like that." Then I looked at him and said "whoopisie I guess I was a bit to rough." Then CartexzCat said while scratching the air "oh yeah this cat def kicked some major ass. Oh hell yes sweet." Then Alexis said "hold up Craig isn't that the same jester suit you're friend Kevin wore." I responded "yeah but in a place like this I'm not taking any chances." Then eddy goes to unmask the jester. Hold up ! Don't touch him! We heard from the distance it was Justin running with Ruben and Leo. I looked at him and said " what are you guys doing here?"
Justin said "we were looking for something to do on this boring Halloween night so we came here and we lost Mario and non of our phones can reach him."
Then Xavier said "mario was with you guys and you lost him. Well he is kinda small."
CartexzCat said "you shouldn't really be talking shorty😒"
Ruben said "yes sadly we just saw this thick fog happen and heard a scream which sounds like coming from a female."
Leo said "we thought the same thing happened to Kevin cause I guess we heard you scream which you scream like a bitch by the way. Cause Kevin went to the bathroom and never gave back. But we see you found him. Is he alive still?"
Alexis said "eddy ? Is he ?"
Eddy unmasked him it appears to be Kevin.
Eddy said "yeah he's breathing but he's breathing slow Craig must've hit like with a rock to the chest or something what did you do"
I said " I kinda drop kicked him in his chest."
Everyone looked at me. Vanessa said "holy shit Craig"
Then Kevin said "that wasn't a drop kick damnit that was attempted murder I know never to pick a fight with you. I attacked you because I thought you were the guy that took mario."
I started to laugh and scratch the back of my hood and say "sorry about that but in all seriousness we need to find mario and Terri Kenyata, I'm worried about them especially mario.
Xavier rose his eyebrow and said
"Wonder why is that Craig? (Cause use to have a crush on Mario and still kinda but never really tried to talk to him out of sheer nervous.)
I look at him and said "well because.... Um (starts to blush) he's tiny he can get hurt or something like that's .... Shut up.
We all start to laugh cause everyone excepts Michael. Then Michael said (babe what the hell is he talking about?)
I responded and said "nothing babe... But we must find them.)
Michael said "where would we start to look? Where were you guys when mario went missing?"
Kevin though about it then he said "well let's see... We was near the examine room where they take the patients and then this thick fog came around us then we all felt something touch us on our shoulder. Then we saw these giant hands grab mario from the back into the fog. We ran after them but it was no hope they were gone. He screamed your name actually Craig. Then we heard a little girl scream again."
I said "he called my name ? Oh my goodness poor mario. That's it dammit we got to save them definitely. I have idea where we should go."
Alexis said " where are we going ?"
I said while pointing up "my group do you remember that building that you saw that little girl."
Everyone from our group looked at me. Michael said to me "babe are you fucking crazy." I shot a crazy look at him "no I'm just right Mikey."
Michael rolled his eyes at me said "ok sense my boyfriend has simply went insane who really wants to try that building?"
It was an weird silence then Ruben said "let's do this shit!" So we all proceeded out the cafeteria and walked to the main building. The door was wide open the lights was off. I stepped on something. It was mario's hat. I picked it up. We got to the second floor we found Kenyata's devil horns. We got the roof. The light on the top of the roof to see Terri, Kenyata, and mario tied up on three different crucifix. I nearly fainted and Michael caught me. "My god ..." Alexis said. Then she said "we have to get them down hurry! Boys!.
So me, and Michael went for mario. Kevin and Justin went for Terri and Ruben and Leo and Xavier went for Kenyata. We got mario down quick and started to shake him. About to cry I say "Mario..! Mario...! Please wake up ...Mario.!" Everyone felt the emotion I was feeling and was about to cry along with me. Terri and Kenyata came through but Mario was still unconscious. I began to cry in his chest and say "Mario ...please wake up..." Then mario squinted his eyes open. He said "cr.. Craig?" I said "oh my gosh mario! You okay ?" He said "yeah I'll be fine, where did everyone come from."
Then mario wrapped his arms around me if began to blush. And he whispered in my ear "I love you kitten...thanks for being my hero."
Then Michael said "okay okay... He's awake now can we get the hell out of here before something else bad happens! Like you know the fog!"
Kevin said "good point ! Let's go" we headed for the door but It was locked. Then CartexzCat forced his control to the body and said "THATS IT! I'M SO FUCKING TIRED OF THIS BULLSHIT . Like serious dammit what type of sick shit is this huh!
Then Michael said "Cartexz calm down criag calm down."
I shot a evil look at him and said "Michael do you want to be my fall cushion so I can Jump off this roof ?
Michael rose his eyebrows and said "damn..."
Then we heard laughing and saw this guy In a hairy monster suit. Then Mario said "that's what took me and tied me on that crucifix." I took off my cat hat throw it to the floor and ripped off my cat gloves. Then stomped my way to towards the monster.
Kevin yelled "you should run seriously !!!!"
Then Alexis said "hurry go away quick hide from where came from."
Then I began to run and the guy said "really I saw his face earlier he's not going to do any-" then I kicked him in crotch he got down to his knees and puts hand around his neck and picked him over the ledge and yelled "where's the fucking keys to the roof and Gate !" The guy threw the keys to the floor and dropped him to the roof floor. Then CartexzCat gave me control again and I said in a nice voice " now let's get out of this place." We made it out the place. We're all in the parking lot. (First letter indicate who's speaking)
M: geez what time is it
Mario: it's 2:30
K: we been here for 4 hours
C: damn that's crazy
X: it's been a night from hell
A:let's just never go here again right eddy ?
E: yes babe..
T: yeah but I don't know about y'all but I'm about go home
V: really I was thinking that we should go to kings park now this was fun
We all looked at her a said "shut the hell up Vanessa out of the question"
Kenyata: Xavier thanks for saving me little hero.
X:yeah...don't mention it..
Mario: yeah thanks a lot Craig I wouldn't know what I was going to do without you.
Everyone except Michael said "awwwwww that's so cute."
I begin to blush
M: why the hell keep on doing that ?!
C: it nothing Mikey
Cc: yeah it's nothing now
Then hug Michael and kiss him on the cheek.
But it's a night honestly I said
"A night we will definitely not forget." Michael
Said. Then Kevin said "I know me and my body won't forget shit."
Then we laughed "babe can you drive me home I said to Michael. He picked me up and said "only if I can stay the night cause I can't wait to get this make up off my cheeks and nose." I laughed and said "why you look so adorable as a kitten." Then he said "whatever you say." Then he kissed me and he put me down and we started walking to his car. Then Xavier said "what hold up who's going to drive me and nessa home !!?!"
CartexzCat said "shitt!!!! Can I ever get a personal moment with him I think I deserve it especially with the crap i deli with tonight."
Then I said "Mikey do you mind."
He stale face me and said " where?"
One is from your from. He rose one of his eyebrows and said "you hate riding with me from wyndanch, that's why you refuse to go to my house." I said "y..yeah I know but I'll get over it please Mikey ." Then he gave in and said "fine alright we'll drive them home only if I can get two favors one for each person in dropping off." I gritted my teeth and said "what are those ?"
"1. We're driving to wyndanch and I'm going over to my house and staying at my house maybe Saturday."
And two tonight I'm going to get something tonight from you". Then he grabs my ass. I blushed and said "Mikey... My parents are home." Then he laughed and looked at me and said "so what your parents was home the first time we did it..." Then CartexzCat said "dammit he remembers." Come on everyone else left Michael said. "Okay !" Then Michael turned to Vanessa and Xavier said "hope in guys!" Then CartexzCat said " he's such a goofball but he's so cute I like him a lot maybe he can be the one "
We dropped them off and were driving back to my place. Then he held my hand while he was driving and said to me "carter you know I like you a lot right."
I said "yes I do know and I like you too"
Then he stop the car and said "whenever I'm with you I get all the blood rushing to veins like I'm running."
Then CartexzCat said " I wonder if that means every vein in his body including that most important to me hehehehe."
I said to him "aw Mikey, you get my heart Racing to the point I feel like I'm about to have a heart attack." Then he kissed me real gently. We made it to my house and entered my room. I read the clock it read 4:23am. I rested on michaels chest and said "sweetie can we skip the sex tonight please"
He looked at me and said "what tonight it's four in the morning but fine tomorrow at my house so you can break promises at once."
I rolled my eyes "alright dammit fine.."
Then he said "that's my kitten." Then he Tongue kissed me and said "goodnight kitten"
CartexzCat said "for two months relationship is going real well."
~see ya next chapter with love CartexzCat.~ ❤️

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